Bellsquarry Primary School

April 21, 2020
by Miss Easton
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Wellbeing Apps

Please find attached document ‘Wellbeing Apps’ that suggest a variety of free electronic apps available to you and your family to support work, relaxation and play during this uncertain time.

“Self care is a priority and necessity, not a luxury.”

Wellbeing Apps

P1-3 Daily Greeting and Challenge

April 21, 2020 by Miss Ward | Comments Off on P1-3 Daily Greeting and Challenge

Good Morning P1-3. We hope you had a lovely day yesterday and managed to get out in the beautiful sunshine!

Today’s challenge is to make a worry doll.

What are worry dolls?

They are tiny dolls that you can tell your worries to before placing them under your pillow at night. The worry doll takes your worry away while you sleep.

They are a lovely opportunity to encourage children to talk about how they are feeling.

What you will need:

  • Small stick or twigs
  • Wool, ribbon or thread
  • Felt tip pen

What to do:

  • Break your stick or twigs into small lengths (about 5cms)
  • Wrap different colours of wool, ribbon or thread around your stick,
  • Felt tip a face onto your doll.

April 20, 2020
by Mrs Roy
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P1-3 Daily Challenge and Greeting. Welcome back!

Hi Everyone.
Welcome back to the Daily Challenge! Your teachers all hope that you have had a lovely Easter and are ready to get started again.
 Today’s challenge is  to –
 Do something kind for someone. Can you pay them a compliment, make them something or help them with a task. It will make their day a bit brighter!

April 3, 2020
by Mrs Gregory
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P1-3 Daily Greeting and Challenge

Good Morning P1-3! We all hope that you have had a good week? Think back over the past week and see if you can complete these sentences:-

  • This week I was pleased about …
  • This week I managed to …
  • Something which made me smile this week was …
  • Something I am looking forward to next week is …

All your teachers wish you a very happy, relaxing holiday!

April 2, 2020
by Mr Hunter
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Life Skills: Skills for Learning, Life & Work

‘So be sure when you step, step with care and great tact. And remember that life’s A Great Balancing Act. And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and ¾ percent guaranteed) Kid, you’ll move mountains.’ (Dr. Seuss)

They might not move mountains just yet but by following these Life Skills, it will be a stepping stone on their route to success!  See how many life skills your child/ren manages over the Easter Break.


April 2, 2020
by User deactivated
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Stay at Home Superheroes

You may find this little video helpful in explaining to children the importance of staying at home and what a positive and important role they have in doing that! There are follow-up questions  under the video that can be accessed.

It is also available in multiple languages at




April 2, 2020
by User deactivated
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P1-3 Daily Greeting and Challenge.

Hello everyone. Your challenge for today is to play this rhyming game with someone at home:

Player 1 says a word e.g. “cat”.

Player 2 has to say a word that rhymes with that word e.g. “bat”.

Then swap, so Player 2 says a word and Player 1 has to say a word that rhymes with it. You can play this as many times as you like.

If this is quite easy, try to say 3 or 5 words that rhyme with each of your partner’s words.

Have fun!

April 1, 2020
by Mrs Delargy
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Additional Learning Grids

For the Attention of P1-3 Parents:

Please click the links below to access some additional learning activities created by our specialists:

P1 Drama Grid 1 (Mrs Quinn)

P1-3 Music 1

P2 French_Drama Grid 1 (Mrs Quinn)

P3 Art Grid 1 Willy Wonka

P3 French Grid 1 (Mrs Quinn)

P3_2 Art Grid

P3-2 Drama Grid 1 (Mrs Quinn)

Please note that all tasks can be dipped in and out of and parents and their children should not feel obliged to complete all of the learning activities on any of the grids provided. Please only get your child to complete as much as you and your child feel you can manage in any given day/week.

Kind regards,

Louise Delargy

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