Tag Archives: responsible citizens

Polycrub Produce

Today was an exciting day as we pulled up the first vegetables ready in the polycrub. These radishes will be used by the cooks in school. Carina loved taking them in and giving them a wash before delivering them to the canteen.

The children are very good at looking after the plants with daily watering, transplanting seedlings and re-potting plants.

Spring Flower Science and Literacy

The children have been learning about about flowers. They have been finding out about the different parts of a flower and how they grow and change.

They have been investigating and naming the different parts of flowers and learning about how dandelions use the wind for seed dispersal and bees take the pollen to different flowers.

This all ties in with discussions about Spring in the classroom and when we are outdoors.

The Primary Two’s used lots of verbs to write poems about Spring. They did a great job of making a good copy to display on the wall using ICT skills they have been practicing recently.



Lambs for Show and Tell

We had a special Show and Tell this week from Jack. His mum brought along three caddie lambs for the children to meet.

This was such a good experience for the children as many of them haven’t really beenĀ  close to lambs before. They had a go at feeding them with a bottle and loved getting cuddles and stroking them. They named them Rosie, Sally and Annie.

Freyja also brought in her caddie lambs for Show and Tell. The children were very amused to see them wearing nappies. They had great fun cuddling them and playing chasies up and down the hill. Freyja could tell us a lot about how to look after them.

Strom Beach

We are so lucky to have wonderful places to walk to from our school.

There is always plenty to chat about, investigate and be curious about on our walks.

Once we got to the beach it was time for snack! It is always quite exciting having food outdoors with friends.

the sun came out for us and there was plenty of interesting finds on the beach.

The longer we stayed the more curious and creative the children became. Some of the children began re-routing the water flowing across the beach and building dams and new channels.

Polycrub planting

We finally made it out to the polycrub to start planting. The soil was really dry so a lot of watering was needed and then the bairns planted carrots, onions and tatties as well as their own little pot with a sunflower seed.

Learning Out in the Snow

Opportunities for using loose part to create dens. Great for developing problem solving and teamwork skills.

Collecting the melting snow from icicles dripping from the roof. Great science and STEM opportunities outdoors.

Some of the melting ice was collected in a different way!



Deciding which containers are best for different purposes. Evie’s snowman needed three different sized containers.

Opportunities to develop creativity, confidence and take risks- so many skills being developed.

Collaboration, choice and commitment in play develops so many social skills and friendships. It can also be exhausting!


Testing to see which snowball goes fastest- big or small? Does lifting the guttering higher or lower? So many opportunities for conversation, developing vocabulary and communication skills outdoors.



Checking out footprints and the different patterns boots make in the snow.






The children were already for their visit from the Nesting and Girlsta Jarl Squad.

In class they made axes, shields and helmets with Viking runes and designs on them.

The children all designed individual shields and they voted for the best one which was enlarged and put on the Jarl Squad’s galley. Esme won this and her shield looked amazing.

The Jarl Squad came in singing and cheering. The Jarl enjoyed his quiz which the children helped prepare and then everyone enjoyed a Boston Two Step with the jarl Squads’ band.


Children In Need Day

We had a really fun day on Friday and the children( and staff) loved coming to school in their pyjamas.


This wasn’t a fundraiser this year but the children watched short video clips and we spoke about Children In Need in class.

I only managed to get one photo during the day and it was of little Pudsey coming into his newly built house by Carina and Carrie.

Trip to the Windfarm

We went to the Viking Energy windfarm for a visit. So many roads, so much information and so many trucks and vehicles. They loved wearing the PPE, being on a bus and having packed lunches as part of their day out.

In the afternoon the children were in the hills and got to see the huge scale of the base of one of the wind turbines. They also had a quiz and used the information boards to find the answers.

The children brought a time capsule with them. They had all written some information about themselves and predicted what might be happening in 25 years time when it gets dug up again. The children got to choose which one of the 103 windmills it would be buried under using the map as a guide.

They chose one near to Weisdale and there will be a competition to now give their windmill a name.

The primary 2’s wrote reports on their trips, These are by Chloe and Sophie. They did an amazing job remembering all the things they saw and being able to write so many sentences about their day out.

Coffee Morning

The children loved baking in preparation for the school coffee morning. The Primary 1’s made chocolate crispies and the Primary 2’s made Malteser Squares.

It was great to have parents into the school again. The children were so excited to see their families and enjoy the tea, coffee, juice and homebakes together.

It was a very busy classroom with excited children showing their parents and families all the things they like to do and have been learning about this term.

Off to the Beach

We took advantage of the lovely morning and headed off for a walk to the beach. Dylan and Ross joined the class and everyone had such a super time.

The children were so curious about what they found at the beach, little whelks that ‘waved’ at them, lovely bits of pottery and seaglass(treasure), speedy crabs running side-ways, different kinds of shells and hopping creatures under stones.

They explored the rocks and the boats at the beach. They were really respectful of the environment and were aware of keeping themselves safe duiring our walk and at the beach.