Tag Archives: Creativity

More about Autumn

This little area of the classroom is all about Autumn. The children have been thinking about all the changes that happen with this season and about animals who hibernate – focusing on hedgehogs in particular. 

They have been making little hedgehog homes\nests using the loose parts.

We have been outside again spotting signs of Autumn and having discussions about  the changes we see and things we find.

Halloween Fun

The bairns have had so much fun being back at school with a Halloween theme in the classroom. They have been enjoying dressing up, reading stories, making potions and spells,  hocking out pumpkins and finding spooky creatures in some very disgusting blue goo amongst other things.

After reading the story Funnybones the children had a go at drawing skeletons. They loved learning about the different bones and feeling for them inside their own bodies. The drawing were excellent.


The children helped Grizelda the Witch with her spell. They put in lots of gruesome, unusual and scary things.


There was great excitement as the mixture began to bubble up and the children said their magic words.

The mixture bubbled over and the children thought of wonderful things their spell could do……..

The children completed some writing using their favourite ingredients for the cauldron. These are from Primary 1’s.

They loved the opportunity to scrape the seeds out of the pumpkins and get them ready for carving. This created lots of discussion, fun and mess.




P for Petals and Perfume

The children had great fun making perfume using petals from different flowers. There was honey suckle and fuschia as well as flowers from the school polycrub to make fantastic smells with.

They used small scissors and tiny spoons to create their perfumes in little glass jars and containers.

They were very proud of their final products. They named their perfumes and made labels for the little bottles.

Number formations in p1

The children have been practising the correct formations of numbers. They listen to stories, play outdoor and indoor games and practise writing them in sand and on whiteboards.

The children worked in groups of 2 to go out and collect lots of threes  of things. They worked really well with their partners and created lovely displays of their findings.

They are practising their counting by playing games and through lots of play and everyday activities.

They have been doing ‘speedy skills’ as part of their morning routine which is a great way to get in a little bit  more practise of how to write those numbers correctly.

last week they created Feathery Four who is the peacock in the story which is all about 4. He looks fabulous and the children were great at following instructions for making his tail feathers.

The children made jumps out of lego for Frisky 5 the kangaroo character to jump over.

The children made a swamp for Snappy Six which had 6 trees, 6 ducks, 6 rocks etc. This was great fun and  super exercise for those little fingers.

Counting in 2’s

The primary 2’s have been practising counting in 2’s. As well as counting eyes, feet, ears etc in the class they have been counting pairs of wellies, pairs of socks and finding pairs of objects to count. They practised with a partner playing clapping games and pegging up washing.

They worked together to display their items and write numbers to 20 and beyond by counting them in 2’s.

The class display looks great and they love counting the socks as they walk past.

Day One At School

The children had a super first day back at school and loved exploring the play provision in the classroom and shared area.

It was lovely to spend time chatting with each child to hear what they had been doing in their summer holidays and what they are looking forward to doing at school this year.

They had snack in the class and then went out to play with all the other children in the school.

After playtime they met Mr Travins the new music teacher. It was lots of fun and they sang and danced along to lots of cool songs.

We had a chat about the Zones of Regulation and the emotional check in system we use throughout the school and the children showed me all their happy, sad, angry and worried faces!

Everyone managed really well at lunchtime lining up and telling the cooks what choices they would like. Lots of clean plates and great manners.