Category Archives: literacy

Mother’s Day

The children were really focused and wanted to make their Mothers Day presents really special for all the lovely mums out there.

They looked amazing and the children were really proud of them.

Willum and River had the job of filling up the cups- I think the mums in their houses have done well!

They wrote their names on tags and wrapped their gifts. I hope they all made it home safely.


Learning Out in the Snow

Opportunities for using loose part to create dens. Great for developing problem solving and teamwork skills.

Collecting the melting snow from icicles dripping from the roof. Great science and STEM opportunities outdoors.

Some of the melting ice was collected in a different way!



Deciding which containers are best for different purposes. Evie’s snowman needed three different sized containers.

Opportunities to develop creativity, confidence and take risks- so many skills being developed.

Collaboration, choice and commitment in play develops so many social skills and friendships. It can also be exhausting!


Testing to see which snowball goes fastest- big or small? Does lifting the guttering higher or lower? So many opportunities for conversation, developing vocabulary and communication skills outdoors.



Checking out footprints and the different patterns boots make in the snow.





Data Handling

The children have been doing a lot of data handling recently in maths. These lessons are always really active and busy so its difficult to capture on camera how much learning has taken place.

The primary 1’s have been learning about different ways to sort items and explaining the criteria they used to put items in different groups.

The primary 2’s have been doing a lot of surveys in the class and in the other classrooms too. They have been using this data to create graphs and diagrams.

The primary 1’s have also been creating graphs using practical materials.

by sorting the information they have they are getting good at answering the types of questions necessary to explain their data.

World Book Day

The children all looked amazing today and had great fun listening to and reading stories.

Several of the staff joined in as characters from the book The Day the Crayons Quit.

The children loved sharing their books and explaining who their characters were.

Ellis dressed as Greg from Diary of A Wimpy Kid and Mrs Moncrieff was the white crayon to colour him in.

In the afternoon the children became authors and publishers and wrote their own books! They were so enthusiastic and the independent writing was amazing.

Our Big Dino Build

The children started by selecting suitable boxes/junk to make their model dinosaur. They worked in pairs so there was a lot of discussion and collaboration to find the parts and join them together.

We spoke about how to make their model strong by creating different types of joins in using PVA and sellotape.

The next stage was seriously messy. They used papier mache to cover the dinosaur, focusing on the joins and making sure the newspaper strips went from one part of the model onto an adjoining part.

Once the models had two coats of papier mache it was time to choose colours for their dinosaur.

Once the paint was dry the children thought about the detail they wanted to add- eyes, teeth, claws etc.

The primary 2’s have been working on adjectives in their literacy work so this was a great opportunity to apply that learning to describing their dinosaur.

The writing was read out in class for the others to guess which model the description matched.

Their is now a little Dinosaur Exhibition set up in the school for the other classes and staff to visit to see the models and the writing.

Snow day activities

Snow Day Activities


Primary 1
  • Practise counting out loud to 20, then as far as 30.
  • Count footprints in the snow!
  • Have a go at the game below- just as far as 1-30 level.

Helicopter Counting

Primary 2
  • Practise Adding out in the snow- throw 2 snowballs, then 5 more – How many was that? Put 15 stones for a snowman’s mouth and two for his eyes? how many stones altogether? etc.
  • have a go at the Robot Addition game below- try all 3 levels.

Robot Addition


Primary 1
  • listen to the song below. Practise the actions.
  • Think of words with ‘ee’ sound and words with ‘or’ sound.
  • write ee and or words in the snow in the snow
Primary 2

In class we were going to do some work on adjectives today so see how many words you can think of to describe………

  1. the snow
  2. how you feel about being off school

Write these down on a piece of paper or email them to me at


Go outside and play! I can’t wait to hear about your snowy day adventures. Below are some suggestions for what else you could do…..

  • Become a detective and search for animal footprints in the snow.
  • Create a picture to show what you like best about wintertime.
  • Go for a walk with a grown-up and take a camera to capture some lovely winter photographs.
  • Build a sledge for a small toy using household materials.


Every week the Primary 1’s meet up with their buddies in Primary 7. This is always exciting and the bairns really look forward to it. They do lots of fun things together inside and outside during this time. Below are just some of the things they have been enjoying doing together.

Parachute games

Robots with Rectangles

Plasticine Creations and Presentations

Puppets and Puppet Shows

Name Collages

Long long ago

As part of their topic this term the children have been learning about how we find out about the past. They made salt dough and created their own dinosaur fossils.

They have also been having a go at being archaeologists using tools to carefully search through the sand for important clues to the past.

New Years Resolutions

The class recycled old Christmas cards to make these stars to hang in the classroom.

On the back they wrote their New Years Resolutions. It was lovely to hear what the children would like to get better at and their wishes/promises for 2023.

Here are a couple of ideas of the kind of things they were thinking about.

Cards for the Community

All the children in the school made Christmas cards for the over 80’s who live in the community. The primary 1/2 class uses tatties to print penguins then put on details with cut paper and pens. They looked fantastic. I am sure the recipients were delighted with these precious cards.

Our Christmas Concert

We only managed a few rehearsals in school before the snow came and we had to close. The children were so good at listening and following instructions. They made their own props and practised songs as often as possible.

The children did so well remembering their lines and singing their songs on the big stage. It was a great experience for them performing in front of such a big audience.

Around The World

This terms whole school topic has been  ‘Around The World’ which included a little bit about the World Cup. The primary 1/2 class showcased some of their learning in assembly last Friday.

They loved learning about different countries in the World and keeping tabs on who is playing and still in the World Cup.

Archie loved matching countries and flags and finding places on the maps



As part of the project the children worked in pairs/small groups to create their own imaginary country. Whether it was hot or cold? Where the cities, forests, mountains etc would be, what animals lived there, what was the country called and design a flag for it.

Making Words In Primary 1

It is so exciting to see how the Primary 1’s are using their phonic sounds to build words. Everyday we practise their sounds and do lots of games and activities to practise blending letters to read and make words.

They loved playing hopscotch in the classroom using wordcards.

More about Autumn

This little area of the classroom is all about Autumn. The children have been thinking about all the changes that happen with this season and about animals who hibernate – focusing on hedgehogs in particular. 

They have been making little hedgehog homes\nests using the loose parts.

We have been outside again spotting signs of Autumn and having discussions about  the changes we see and things we find.

Halloween Fun

The bairns have had so much fun being back at school with a Halloween theme in the classroom. They have been enjoying dressing up, reading stories, making potions and spells,  hocking out pumpkins and finding spooky creatures in some very disgusting blue goo amongst other things.

After reading the story Funnybones the children had a go at drawing skeletons. They loved learning about the different bones and feeling for them inside their own bodies. The drawing were excellent.


The children helped Grizelda the Witch with her spell. They put in lots of gruesome, unusual and scary things.


There was great excitement as the mixture began to bubble up and the children said their magic words.

The mixture bubbled over and the children thought of wonderful things their spell could do……..

The children completed some writing using their favourite ingredients for the cauldron. These are from Primary 1’s.

They loved the opportunity to scrape the seeds out of the pumpkins and get them ready for carving. This created lots of discussion, fun and mess.




Trip to the Windfarm

We went to the Viking Energy windfarm for a visit. So many roads, so much information and so many trucks and vehicles. They loved wearing the PPE, being on a bus and having packed lunches as part of their day out.

In the afternoon the children were in the hills and got to see the huge scale of the base of one of the wind turbines. They also had a quiz and used the information boards to find the answers.

The children brought a time capsule with them. They had all written some information about themselves and predicted what might be happening in 25 years time when it gets dug up again. The children got to choose which one of the 103 windmills it would be buried under using the map as a guide.

They chose one near to Weisdale and there will be a competition to now give their windmill a name.

The primary 2’s wrote reports on their trips, These are by Chloe and Sophie. They did an amazing job remembering all the things they saw and being able to write so many sentences about their day out.