Category Archives: Art and Craft

The Crow and the Pitcher

The children loved the Aesop’s fable called the Crow and the Pitcher. The primary ones made crow puppets and used jugs and glass pebbles to retell the story. They loved being videoed on the class ipad and watching it back.

The primary 2”s wrote the story and then read it to a partner who acted it out using props. This is Conans story. He did a fantastic job of spelling and remembering to include all the important parts of the story in sequence.

Fruit Pots

Primary 1/2 are the Health Committee this term.

They presented their idea for fruit pots in assembly a few weeks ago and designed pot shaped adverts to display on the Health Committee board.

Today the children  were very busy……washing, chopping and sorting fruits into little pots.

  • They used the fruit/vegetable knives very sensibly.
  • They counted out the cups and little forks and started sharing all the different fruits into the pots.

The children were very excited to welcome all the classes and staff to come and get a fruit pot at breaktime.

Colour in Nature

As part of our On Our Doorstep IDL we went to explre the areas nearby the school and find different colours of plants.

The children were vary careful and only picked what they needed to work in their IDL groups to create Colour in Nature pictures. They talked about and named different types of flowers and plants they found.

The results were beautiful…….and fun!

Dandelion Art

The children went out and looked at dandelions in the nature garden. They saw them at different stages of their lifecycles.

They looked at the dandelions using magnifying glasses to see the different parts and especially the little seeds. They watched the seeds float and fly around and learned about wind dispersal and self seeding.

They created these wonderful pieces using cut paper and paint.


As part of our ‘Changes’ IDL learning the children loved the activities around lifecycles and metamorphosis. It all started with a visit to our school pond when we spotted several frogs.

The children worked in groups to create a 3D collage of a pond showing the different stages fo the lifecycle of a frog. it was lovely to see them collaborating and supporting each other with this.

The final ponds looked fantastic……..

As part of their  learning about lifecycles they discussed the transformation of a caterpillar to a butterfly. It was so much fun learning this through drama.

These are the eggs!



Out of the eggs hatch the little caterpillars





The chrysalis/cocoon/pupa hangs while the caterpillar transforms inside.





The butterflies emerge from the cocoons, dry their wings and fly away.




Then they lay eggs!


On Our Doorstep

The children are learning about what is ‘On Our Doorstep’ this term so every Monday we are heading out to explore.

Our first trip out was down to Taing beach. 

During each trip out the children have a little challenge or activity to do in mixed age groups of four pupils. For this first visit the children had to collect 10 shells each and work together to create a design.

it was great to see the pupils of different ages working together on this task.

Red Nose Day

Today the children came to school dressed in red and learned a little bit about Comic Relief and the fundraising they do.

it was lots of fun playing games and doing activities that the p7 pupils had planned.

In the afternoon they watched as the p7’s got a soaking in the stocks followed my Miss McLoed and Mrs Colclough.


Changes In Me

There have been visits from local babies Daniel, Kit and Orla this year so it has been great to chat about how the children have changed since they were babies.

They love playing with the babies in the role play area of the classroom and are very good at looking after them.

It was great fun to chat about and compare all the things they can do now that they couldn’t when they were babies.

Thy have also been learning about the different parts of their bodies and about how they will continue to grow and change as they get older.

Kites STEM Challenge

The children worked in pairs to create a kite using a variety of materials. Lots of skills were being developed through this activity – for example collaboration, co-operation, problem solving, listening etc.

The wind was blowing so it was great to go and test the kites. The children soon found out that in order to fly the kites well they had to work together.

The Wind and the Sun

As part of our topic the children listened to  the fable about the Wind and the Sun. They acted out the different parts of the story.

The primary ones made books sequencing the story.

The primary 2’s wrote the story, remembering all the different parts. Below are two examples of the p2’s writing. They all did so well.

Valentines Day

There was a lot of love in p1/2 this week. The children did a great job of making Valentines cards for loved ones at home.

The primary 1’s love their buddying time in school and made these little guys together during their session this week.

They have also had the freedom to be creative in the craft and modelling area and have made some of their own creations for loved ones there.

Squad p1/2 – Peerie Vikings

The bairns were so excited today and were all ready for the Nesting and Girlsta Jarl Squad coming this morning.

They had painted a galley and all the children in the school made themselves into Vikings to go inside and around it. It looked great in the school hall.

The children also made collage pictures of Viking longships on the sea. They used paint, torn paper, foam shapes, pens, wooden sticks and card for all the different parts. They are so colourful and look amazing.

Robbie Burns Day

The children were learning about Robbie Burns last week and prepared the food for cooking a Burns supper.

The primary 2’s peeled and chopped tatties and neaps and put them on to boil. Evie mashed the neaps when the were ready.


They mixed up the haggis and put it in the microwave to cook.

Everyone had a try of the food and their were mixed responses…….

They learned a little bit about the history of Robbie Burns and what he was famous for. They loved hearing the start of the poem about the Mouse.

They also looked at some scottish tartan and had a go at weaving using paper strips. Their designs look amazing.


It’s beginning to feel festive

Lots of opportunities for maths and literacy throughout the classroom linked to Christmas.

Busy Elves in the Christmas Corner

The Class Advent Calendar


Christmas Jumper Day


The children have been learning about Divali this term. They made lovely little diva lamps and used coloured rice to create this Rangoli pattern on the wall.

They used loose parts, peas and beans, Numicon and counters to create Rangoli patterns which tied in nicely with our work on pattern and symmetry.

The Primary 1’s created this collage of Ravani, the 10 headed demon god from the story of Rama and Sita. He looks pretty scary!

Alien Adjectives

The children have had great fun creating these aliens after reading a story in class with Miss Jamieson. There was a lot of discussion and many amazing descriptive words about their characters. The Primary two’s practised their ICT skill by typing and printing out fancy lettering for words to add to the display.

Children In Need

Well done Primary 123 who raised an amazing £331.29 for Children in Need today.

They organised a coin collection in the school and got everything ready for other classes to come and sort their coins into the different tubs.

The children did really well and had to ensure the correct coins went into the correct buckets.

They had spent time the day before in pairs and small groups preparing the buckets and learning about the different coins as well as where the money collected is going to.

The buckets looked fabulous!

The p123 Eco Committee

Today the winners of the Eco- Committee competition were announced in assembly.

The children had a choice of whether to re-cycle their bags into something new or to design a new Bag for Life to re-use.

There were so many amazing designs and such creativity from all the classes. It was difficult for the p123 Eco-Committee to judge but well done to Evie, Freyja, Ella, Merryn, Eve and Aylee.

The p123 did a presentation in assembly two weeks ago about how we can re-use, re-cycle and reduce waste to help the environment and announced the competition then. They showed off all their examples of how they have re-used and re-cycled their bags.