Tag Archives: Ethos and Life of the School

Mr Leslie Scholland Farm

Today Mr Leslie came in to speak to the P4/5/6 and P6/7 class. We have all been finding out about Climate Science and he wanted to tell us about the approach by Scholland farm to climate friendly farming. He told us about the way that they feed the animals and fertilise the ground. Mr Leslie also talked about best practice in beef farming techniques. All of the Scholland Farm beef is sold locally – reducing the carbon footprint.
Thank you for coming in to talk to us and answer our questions.

Biodiversity Talks

This week the Primary 7s made their Biodiversity presentations to the class. They have worked very hard on these, first doing their research, then writing a report, next they made their presentations using powerpoints, posters etc and finally today they presented them to the class. Ms Scanlan was very impressed. She thought that they had found out some excellent information, organised it well and presented it clearly to the class. WELL DONE!

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End of Term 1

What a busy week we have had again. Finishing off all our owl pellet work. We have also been finding out about more food chains and webs, planting more trees, drawing and painting barn owls and finally listening to a fantastic performance in the hall this afternoon.

What a lovely term we have had and what a great class the P7s are.

Have a great holiday 🙂

Primary 7 Assembly

This afternoon Primary 7 did something a little bit different for their assembly / show of learning. They split into four groups to explain about all the  things that they were finding out about in Block 1. Each group split into two teams to make display boards and explain all about Pneumatics, Electricity, Enterprise and John Muir. The school split into their Focus Friday groups and parents joined the teams to visit each of the four workshops.

Toby did a fantastic job of timekeeping to keep us all on track, and everyone seemed to find their way from group to group.

After that, Primary 7 played a short piece from the beginning of their Radio Scotland Junior Historians show, that they made in the autumn. And finally Drew played a ‘Thank you for listening’ film that he had made using his drone.

The Primary 7s really enjoyed doing their assembly like this and said that it was a lot more fun and they enjoyed speaking to smaller groups and doing lots of activities. Ms Scanlan was very proud of all of them and hopes that the audience were too.  Well done P7s!

Christmas Concert

This afternoon, we had our first Christmas concert and P7 were fantastic. Well done to everyone and especially to Mrs Inkster for all her help. The class started with Merry Christmas Eveyone. The instrumentalists played beautifully and the singers were superb. Then everyone sang Little Drummer Boy, Issac sang a solo, while Hannah played the keyboard. It all sounded wonderful.


You’ve still got time to see it tonight at 7.


What a fantastic week we had last week.

Mrs Henderson had organised a busy week of activities including a visit from the NSPCC, Traditional dance with Maria Leask, a museum visit and activities with Stephen and Esther Renwick and Art and craft with Mrs Leslie. There were also lots of SMUHA activities including making the programme, key rings, home bakes and making sure that all the squads were ready.

Shane (Bjorn Ironsides) and his P7 squad led the procession and we were so lucky with the weather. We had a great time in the Boddam hall, with all the entertainments and the visit from the SMUHA squad.

RSPB Birdwatch

On Friday 1st February, Glen Tyler came to school to help us with our RSPB birdwatch. He took everyone out in small groups and we used the binoculars that Hugh Harrop and Ness Engineering have bought us.

We saw lots of starlings, house sparrows, a hooded crow, 2 herring gulls and a blackbird. The birds have enjoyed the seeds that we’ve been putting outside in all this cold weather.

On Monday 4th February our P6s (expert birdwatchers!) paired up with the Nursery bairns to help them complete their birdwatch.

Isaac “It was good fun and the nursery listened well.”

Cole “We helped the nursery go through all the bushes, so that they didn’t get hurt and it was good fun.”

Robert “It was really fun and they were so cute.”

Mirrin “It was really good and I was surprised at how well they listened and how many birds they knew.”