Handwashing Experiment

Over the last few weeks, we have been looking at healthy eating. As part of this learning, we have looked at why handwashing is key to keeping healthy. We looked into this by investigating the rate of mold growth on bread which was not touched (control), touched with dirty hands and touched with washed hands. We were quite surprised with some of the growth on the clean hands bread which made us think of our own handwashing techniques! Take a look at our results.

Creating Planets

Miss Moar has got the class started on our topic for the term, which is space. The class have started creating planets with balloons and paper mâché, these will go on to form part of our wall display in class. It looks like lots of messy fun!

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Craft and Design

This morning we were set a task…

We had to design, then craft a device that allowed all of our team members to draw at the same time, but nobody was allowed to touch the pen while it was drawing. We had string, one pen, tape, scissors and paper.

Here are some of our finished drawings, can you tell what they are!?

1 Star (3 votes, average: 1.00 out of 1)

Active Maths

This morning we have been very active in our maths. We are just starting a block on addition and subtraction so have played games to revise our mental maths skills and refresh number bonds. By keeping these strong, we will be able to apply our learning to bigger sums.

In this game, each cone had a value (not that we knew that until the race was over!)We had to relay with our partners to collect cones, when the time was up, each colour of cone was given a value, we then had to add the totals of our cones up to see who won it’s the highest score.

So here they are, the wonderful, fun loving new P6/7s Just another blogs.glowscotland.org.uk – Shetland site

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