Primary 7 Assembly

This afternoon Primary 7 did something a little bit different for their assembly / show of learning. They split into four groups to explain about all the  things that they were finding out about in Block 1. Each group split into two teams to make display boards and explain all about Pneumatics, Electricity, Enterprise and John Muir. The school split into their Focus Friday groups and parents joined the teams to visit each of the four workshops.

Toby did a fantastic job of timekeeping to keep us all on track, and everyone seemed to find their way from group to group.

After that, Primary 7 played a short piece from the beginning of their Radio Scotland Junior Historians show, that they made in the autumn. And finally Drew played a ‘Thank you for listening’ film that he had made using his drone.

The Primary 7s really enjoyed doing their assembly like this and said that it was a lot more fun and they enjoyed speaking to smaller groups and doing lots of activities. Ms Scanlan was very proud of all of them and hopes that the audience were too.  Well done P7s!

One thought on “Primary 7 Assembly”

  1. I really enjoyed your demonstrations. What a lot of learning you have packed in to P7 already!
    I forgot to say at the assembly how impressed I was with the patience and encouragement you all showed to the younger pupils within the school.
    You really are great role models.

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