My Friend Selma

On the 4th of September the P5/6/7 went to  Cunningsburgh Hall to go to see a play about a young girl called Selma, who grew  up in Bosnia during the war in the 1980s.  She had to leave because her sister was really ill .  So they had to travel to Serbia it wasn’t safe for them so they decided to escape to another country called Slovenia. There were soldiers with guns at the borders who let some people in and turn others away.

They got on a coach of refugees and  a couple of days later they arrived in Britain by a coach. When they got to Springfield they lived in a giant building with lots of tiny flats which was only as small as one room. Later on Selma heard a knock on the door it was girl with who had a soft smile on her face. She said “Hi, I am Vicky” then Selma said “Wicky” and it kept on happening for a while then Vicky said “I am Wicky what’s your name? Selma said “I am Selma”. 

The two became friends and this play was written by Vicky to tell everyone the story.

I thought it was really good and entertaining and I was surprised at the end when she told us it was a real story – Isaac

By Cole and Mirrin


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