We have been very busy measuring objects and furniture in our classroom using a Metre stick to measure accurately.
It has been fun being active in our learning.
We have been very busy measuring objects and furniture in our classroom using a Metre stick to measure accurately.
It has been fun being active in our learning.
We learned how to use water in our Art today.
First we drew the shape of the water melon with water on a paint brush.
Then we bled the watercolour paints.
Some of the water melon slices look very realistic and quite mouth watering.
It has been quite thought provoking discussing how we need to save water and look after our planet.
These wonderful posters help us to remember not to be wasteful with water.
We have a new member in our class. He is called Mobot and he is helping with our Talking and Listening.
It is funny when we record our voice and he changes the sound. This is helping us to change our voice when we want to be different characters.
We have been estimating measurements and then checking our guesses using a centimetre ruler.
We have been working on length with Mrs Rand. We had fun in problem solving this week when we had to try create robot monsters using different heads, bodies and legs to work out how to make the tallest and shortest robots. Then we had to see how many different combinations we could make out of the various pieces.
As we are looking at our caterpillars everyday, we remembered Eric Carle’s story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ We had all heard it before but we enjoyed hearing it again. We watched a video where Eric Carle explained how he used collage to create the pictures in the story. We used paint to create shades of green then carefully cut caterpillar shaped sections and stuck them onto the paper. We think our caterpillars look as good as Eric Carle’s caterpillars!
We were very excited to welcome some new members of p3 this week. As part of our work on life cycles, we received some caterpillars that we will watch change into butterflies over the next few weeks. Each day, we choose a caterpillar monitor to check how the caterpillars have changed & record it on our chart
We explored some statements about ice and water on a Concept Cartoon. In our group we wrote our thoughts on post it notes. Then we talked it through.
We decided that the water had not leaked out of the glass because there were no cracks or holes.
We also thought that another false statement was the one about the ice melting outside the glass. It could not do this because the ice and water were inside the glass.
So, the true statement was the water vapour in the air has turned into drops of water on the outside of the glass.
We went outside to explore and investigate this for real with containers full of ice and water.
We explored looking for patterns in numbers in Problem Solving.
The elf problem we managed to work out by drawing a picture to represent elves, shoes and hats first. Then we worked out the answer by counting the elves without hats and shoes.
To work out the number of buttons in our class it was difficult for us to estimate or guess because there were so many combinations. So, in the end we took everybody individually, wrote down how many buttons were on their clothes and then we rounded numbers to the nearest 10 to estimate.
We checked to see if we were close by using a calculator to count up the many numbers.