Human Body

We are really enjoying our learning on the Human Body for science. This week, we have been learning about the skeleton – what it does and what some of the bones are called. We had fun piecing a skeleton back together and trying to work out which part went where! Next week, we are going to label our skeletons to show the names of the bones.

Times Tables

We have been working very hard this week on understanding our times tables & trying to learn them. We have used cubes to show sets of each table and we have been practising our knowledge in our starter activities and in our maths work. It would be great if everyone could keep practising tables at home. You can download apps onto a tablet or you can search for Hit the Button and choose times tables. We are learning our 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 times tables.

Sight Experiments

We are learning about our senses and this week we were focusing on sight. We had fun doing experiments where we had to close one eye to see what impact it had on our sight.

FIrst, we got two pencils. We had to close one eye & then try to make both ends of the pencil touch. It was harder than it seemed!

In the next experiment, we had 5 plastic coins. Our partner had to hold a coin above a cup and we had to close one eye then say drop when we thought it was above the cup.

We concluded that our sight works best when both of our eyes are working together.

Our first week back at school

We have really enjoyed being back together as a class this week. Some of us wanted to say what we’ve enjoyed the most about being back at school.

I enjoyed having time to play with my friends at the end of each day – Robbie

I enjoyed doing times tables with cubes in maths – Millie

I liked doing the times tables starter activities – Noah

I liked doing the science experiments about our sight. – Josh

I enjoyed learning about the Human Body – Fearne

I enjoyed sticking the skeleton back together – Florence

I love school because it’s been fun playing games with my friends – Olivia

I liked listening to Mrs Belleville reading the story – Tom

I enjoyed playing with my friends – Holly

I’m enjoying listening to the World’s Worst Children book in class – Jess

I enjoyed learning about the Human Body – Freddie

Eye eye

In today’s experiment we used some coins so, we had to clean them first. We loved watching the coins getting  cleaned in the fizzy juice.

Then we closed one eye and tried to get each coin into the cup. We managed this if the cup was near. Then we tried the other eye to see if we could do better with one eye than the other.


Finally  we tried with both eyes open and  this was so much easier.


Some  of us even challenged ourselves to do the experiment with both eyes closed. This made it tricky to work out where the coins were and we had to use another sense called touch to help us out.

Like the pencil experiment we found out that using both eyes together helps us to work out the distance that objects are from us, helps us to see more accurately and we need to put less effort in to complete the task.

We were also very good at working with our partners and taking turns. We were very respectful and patient when we waited our turn and when we discussed the experiment together.

Working together again

To help us to work well together again we have been playing some quick Mental Maths games  sharing ideas and strategies with our group.

We have enjoyed getting to know each other again and we have had to be very thoughtful about turn taking. Sometimes it has been very hard not to talk over each other this week so, we are going to keep working on this next week.

It has been lovely being together again.

Sight seeing

We are learning about the senses in Science and our focus this week is sight.

So, we took a quick 5 minutes to draw an eye and think about it’s shape, what it looks like and its function. Then we went outside to explore the school grounds writing and drawing things we could see.

We spotted some daffodils trying to pop through the grass, we saw some worms wiggling along and when we moved a log there were some insect eggs hiding under it.

We were so pleased to be able to take our learning outdoors after the stormy weather we had had the day before.

We also did an experiment with 2 pencils. We had to close one eye and try to get the ends of the pencil to meet together. This was really tricky. Then we tried the same experiment with both eyes open. This was much easier to do. Our findings show us that we see things much better when we use both of our eyes together. This also gives us better perception of what we are looking at.

We have lots more to learn about eyes in our topic.

World Thinking Day

It was lovely to be back in school together today. We focussed on the theme of peace for World Thinking Day. We read the story ‘Five Minutes Peace’ and discussed what peace means. We talked about symbols of peace then we used our fingers to paint either a dove or a rainbow.

World Thinking Day 2021

The theme for World thinking day 2021 is peacebuilding. By standing together for peace we will stand strong, stand up and stand together for peace.  We have explored this theme in class today.

Primary 3 you look very smart in your various uniforms today. We are very impressed by all of the badges you have earned.

Well done!