Block 2

We got off to a super start to our block 2 learning and we have so much more to come.

Our writing focus this block is exposition (persuasion) and we have some interesting example texts to inspire our own writing.  I wonder just how persuasive P4 can be…… Through our reading we will be exploring the skill of skimming and scanning as well as learning a bit more about inference.

In maths we are continuing and developing our learning of addition and subtraction strategies and learning about money up to £20 and giving change from £5 and £10.  We will put links to some games you can play at home to consolidate this learning on Teams and the Supporting Learning at Home tab on this blog.

Our building resilience focus is Keeping Connected and more information relating to this was attached to the newsletter sent out  by Mrs Ward last week.  We will also be learning some basic first aid and what foods keep us healthy.

In Science we are exploring sources of energy, magnetism and electricity/electrical circuits.  We are looking forward to having a lot of fun with this.

It’s a busy term with lots going on and we are all looking forward to speaking with you all during our parents consultations in a few weeks time.

Welcome back to European Code Week!

Welcome back and what a fantastic start to the new term we have had.  This week is European code week and we would like to thank Inspire learning and all the staff and pupils involved in bringing us a wonderful live session today.

The children were asked to come up with an idea for a new app, plan what it would do, create an icon for the app and finally create a prototype home screen for it.  You might like to ask to see some of their work at home – it’s all saved on their iPads within Keynote.  (with some finishing touches required – it was a very busy session!!!) They all had some brilliant ideas.

We would also like to say a huge thank you to the P7’s who came to give us a brilliant tutorial on using Keynote.  It proved very helpful ahead our session today.


We have been learning how to use an app on our iPads called Keynote. Some very helpful P7 pupils came along to share their knowledge of Keynote and help us to create our presentations. As part of EU Code Week, we are going to take part in a live lesson using Keynote.

Understanding our emotions

In class, we have been thinking about all the different emotions we can experience. We worked in groups to think of strategies we can use to help us to cope with our emotions.  We realised that it is important to talk about how we are feeling and get support from people we trust.