Problem Solving

Over the last 9 weeks, we have been working in groups to solve maths problems. We have learned to listen to each other, take turns, share ideas & not give up when it gets tricky! Mrs Belleville has been very impressed with how well we have worked together to solve the problems.

Solid water

With great excitement we investigated what happened to the water balloons that had spent the night in the freezer.

Some of the balloons were completely filled with ice but, others were part ice part water. This happened if the balloons had been filled with a lot of water.

We cut away the balloons and inside was ice in the shape of the balloon. It was exciting to investigate and observe the ice. There were lots of bubbles and interesting cracks and holes.

As we were doing our investigating the ice was melting with the heat in our classroom.

So, the liquid water had turned to ice then melted back to liquid water again.

Sock Puppets

We have been focussing on procedural writing in class and we wrote instructions for how to make a sock puppet. We then swapped jotters so we were using someone else’s instructions. We gathered all of our materials then followed the instructions carefully. We are very happy with how our sock puppets turned out and we had fun playing with them.


We talked about what hope meant & how we could represent it in a picture. We used tissue & material to create our pictures and we really enjoyed this art activity. Our pictures have really brightened up our window & made us feel very hopeful! 

Liquid water

We have been investigating water as a liquid. We noticed that it is wet, can be cold to touch and when we took a drink from our water bottle it didn’t have much taste.

Water takes the shape of the container it fills. It is clear and when you shine a torch light through it you can sometimes see rainbow colours.

Our water balloons are going in the freezer. What do you think will happen to the water inside the balloons?

Tens and Units

We practiced T and U sums in the playground using chalk. It was fun working with our learning partners and exploring numbers in this way.

The hailstones storm washed our sums away but, we got the chance to talk about water in its solid state as hail and then liquid when it melted. This showed us that water exists in different states in nature.