For today’s literacy lesson, we focused on writing super sentences! Our new Talk for Writing story, ‘The Magic Porridge Pot’, uses lots of fabulous describing words, and we wanted to magpie a few of these ideas to make our sentences very exciting for the reader.
Shreddies used some adjective cards to place a picture prompt, write a list of adjectives and then swap with a friend who wrote a sentence to describe the picture using the adjectives they were given.
Coco Pops picked some picture prompt cards and worked on writing sentences with connectives – we had lots of super ideas!
Rice Krispies had a super time learning tricky words through lots of active spelling techniques.
In today’s literacy lesson, we focused on this week’s spelling words, and used some active spelling strategies to work on these. We made our ‘magic words’ by writing our words in white crayon and colouring over them to make them appear, and we used some magnetic letters and beads for even more practise.
We also completed our dictation for the week – Miss Morrison reads some words with these weeks spelling sounds, and then some sentences, and the children write these into their Jolly Grammar work books.
Play Based Learning
We had a super time in the open area! We practised our tricky words by making some alphabet soup, made a big story map for our tale ‘The Magic Porridge Pot’ and had lots of role play opportunities!
Primary 2 have been busy bee’s this week! Through our Talk for Writing story this term (‘The Magic Porridge Pot’) we will be focusing on adding description into our writing.
We played some fun games as part of our literacy lesson to practise using adjectives – some groups played a ‘heads up’ game, where they held up a card and their partner had to describe the image until they could guess what their card was. There were some super descriptions and great team work We also played an adjective board game, where children picked a word card with an adjective, and looked at the game board until they found a picture that they adjective could be describing, and covered it with a counter.
We have been working on our new story each morning, and adding lots of great description into our sentences when writing.
As part of this terms RME focus on the Easter story, we learned all about Palm Sunday and discussed why the Palm Leaves are an important symbol in Christianity today.
We made our own Palm leaves by drawing around our hands, cutting them out and putting them together to make our own branches
Primary 2 have been practising this week’s spelling words and working very hard for Miss Morrison! We used some magnetic letters and letter beads to form our new words.
We then wrote some super sentences using our new words and had lots of fun using the materials to help us spell them
Another week and (hopefully) our final in home learning – we are so proud of all your hard work so far and are so excited to see all of your lovely faces very soon!
This week, there is a Health and Wellbeing focus, with family oriented tasks at the heart of it all. Please see below the PDF attached, which will link you to all the resources needed throughout the week. There are no daily ten’s or live lessons this week, however please see the spelling list and practise your new words throughout the week with some active spelling tasks. I have also attached our weekly grid, which will give you some maths tasks to follow.
Have a lovely week and remember to send lots of pictures,
We are now into our second month of the year or as Miss Lee likes to call it ‘the month of love!’ So remember to be kind to yourselves and have time away from the laptop to do things that you love!
I have attached this week’s slides and resources for you all to access. We will be teaching live on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 11am and we hope to see lots of you there again!
If there is anything we can do to help please just give myself or Miss Morrison an email or message on SeeSaw.
Thankyou for all of your hard work and for joining our live lessons on TEAMS throughout the week!
I have attached next week’s daily tasks and we will continue to do our live lessons on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 11am. We will also upload the audio recorded version for those who cannot access the lives at that time! Video teaching inputs will also be uploaded to SeeSaw throughout the week.
Have a lovely, well deserved rest this weekend everyone!
I have attached the audio recorded part of the powerpoint from our live TEAMS lesson on Wednesday at 11am. I couldn’t audio record the whole presentation but you will be able to look through the ppt and complete the tasks independently.
I have also attached the words to our new Scots poem ‘Crocodile’ by J.K Annan, I hope you have lots of fun practising this!
I have attached the audio recorded powerpoint to support with this week’s writing task for those who are unable to attend our live teaching input on TEAMS.
Remember to send me all of your finished pieces!
Miss Lee
Gardenrose Primary School & EYC, Maybole, South Ayrshire Council