Category Archives: School Blog

Primary 4 Home Learning Monday 01.06.2020


Good Morning everyone. Can you believe that it is June already? The months are going so quickly. I hope you all had a lovely weekend and enjoyed the gorgeous weather we are having. I hope you managed to see some friends and family now that lockdown has eased slightly. Mr Cryans, Charlie and I visited my Mum and Dad for the first time since lockdown began and we had lots of fun in their garden.


We are going to have a bit of a different week this week. I have been inspired by the SpaceX mission that launched at the weekend. The launch was so exciting so I thought we could have a Space themed week.


Health and Wellbeing

Have a go at some Space themed yoga this morning. There are lots of poses to choose from. Could you make up your own Space themed yoga routine?

Check in Activity

Let me know how you are feeling today and how your weekend was. You can send me an email or leave me a message on Google Classroom. Remember my email is





Take a look at the CBBC Newsround article. Try to read as much as you can from the article to find out about the SpaceX Mission.


Sentence work

L.I. To takes notes about what I have read

As you read the SpaceX article I want you to think about what you find the most interesting about the mission. Can you write down 3 interesting facts in proper sentences?

Here is an example- Both of the astronauts that are travelling to Space are married to other astronauts.

Remember that your sentences must have a capital letter at the beginning and a full stop at the end.



We all have the same spelling words this week. They are all space related. Have a go at finding the meaning of each of the words. Try not to copy straight from the dictionary. Try to out the definition into your own words.


Mental maths

Have a go at the Rocket Rounding game on TopMarks

Remember to choose your level carefully.

Squares – Work on 4 digit numbers and beyond

Circles – Work on 3 digit numbers

Ryan – Work on 2 digit numbers without a number line (try 3 digits for a challenge).

Kaylee – Work on 2 digit numbers with a number line.


International Space Station Tour.

  • The SpaceX mission is taking supplies to the astronauts working at the International Space Station. The International Space Station is was built to be a space environment research laboratory and observatory, where crew members could conduct experiments in many scientific fields including: biology, human biology, physics, astronomy, and meteorology. The station also provides valuable opportunities to test spacecraft systems and equipment and act as a staging base for possible missions to the Moon or Mars.

Click on this link to go on a tour of the International Space Station.

Make a poster about what you have learned.

Answer these questions to help you include important information.

  • Where do the astronauts sleep?
  • What things are inside the sleep stations?
  • How do you brush your teeth and wash your face in Space?
  • What happens to water in Space?
  • What do you do with mouthwash in Space?
  • What types of food can the astronauts eat?

Try your best to include these answers in your poster.

I am looking for bright, clear and eye catching posters.

Have fun! I can’t wait to see what you can create.



Although we are having a space themed week, we cannot forget that Pentecost was celebrated on Sunday.

In Sunday’s Gospel we hear how Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to be with the disciples, to help them be brave enough to share God’s message with others. Let’s think a bit about what the Holy Spirit does in our lives today.


Gospel: John 20:19-23

It was late that Sunday evening, and the disciples were gathered together behind locked doors, because they were afraid of the Jewish authorities. Then Jesus came and stood among them. “Peace be with you,” he said. After saying this, he showed them his hands and his side. The disciples were filled with joy at seeing the Lord.  Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father sent me, so I send you.” Then he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive people’s sins, they are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.”


Gospel reflection

Think carefully about what you have read and discuss these questions with someone at home.


Suddenly Jesus appeared to them. What did Jesus say to the disciples?

And how did the disciples feel when they saw Jesus again?



What happened next?


The disciples had been sad, lonely and frightened. How do you think they felt after Jesus breathed the Holy Spirit onto them?



The Holy Spirit gives the disciples the courage to see that they can do what Jesus asks of them.


What does Jesus ask us to do? How does Jesus want us to behave and to treat other people?


Can you think how you might do this? And how does the Holy Spirit help us?


The Holy Spirit gives us the courage to answer Jesus’ call, to do what God asks of us even when it is difficult. We each answer that call in a different way, but the Holy Spirit helps and guides us along the way.


This week let’s try to notice the Holy Spirit in our lives, helping us to be brave, and helping us to spread Jesus’ message of peace in our world.


Eco Classroom


A wee reminder to everyone in the Eco-Committee, I have set up an Eco-Committee  google classroom and invited all P3-P7 committee members to join, I would encourage you to join so you can share your great Eco ideas. Committee members in P1 and P2 ,I’ll get your help and ideas through seesaw.

Thanks so much

Mrs Ellis ♻️👍

Parent Information – Emotion Works

Helping your child cope with their emotions at home

At St. Fergus’ Primary, we adopt a whole school approach to emotions awareness and regulation called Emotion Works. Your child/children have had lots of input on this and should be aware of each cog and what it means.

Emotion Works helps your child to understand why they feel particular emotions and be able to relate these emotions to a trigger (cause) and find a way to calm down and self-regulate. Expectedly, with the current ongoing situation, everyone will be feeling a range of emotions on a daily basis. We hope this flier will be useful to you in helping to keep your child/children calm in what is an uncertain and strange time for us all. It will also promote positive continuity and a recognisable vocabulary since this is what we promote in St. Fergus’.

Please click on the link below for further information.

Parent Information Leaflet- Emotion Works


Family Learning Events Evaluation

On Tuesday at Parent’s Night, our Head and Depute boys and girls will be asking you for your views on or Family Learning Events. Please take time to complete the online evaluation with them. We are always trying to gather your views to help us plan for future events. Please see below for the QR Code and Web link.

Family Learning Events

Thank you to everyone who made our Family learning events possible. We  have worked and learned together about Literacy, Numeracy, Health and Well being including mindfulness and emotions.

We will be evaluating these events in the coming weeks to plan for more after Christmas. Please make sure you take part!

Anti-bullying: Respect Me Policy- Parent’s Focus Group

All parents are invited to a focus group on Monday 21st January at 3:15pm led by Mrs Rowley and Brian Donnelly . At this group we will be looking at our new Anti-bullying: Respect Me Policy.

Throughout Term one we consulted with all staff, pupils and parents what our anti-bullying policy should include.

We have taken into consideration all views and have created a first draft of this policy.

We would appreciate as many parents views on this  draft policy and make any amendments required to ensure that all views are represented in our final policy.

We look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

Goodbye Book Buddies!

Tonight was our final Book Buddies meeting and yet again it was a huge success. Tonight we read Aliens Love Underpants and designed our very own aliens and underpants for them to steal. It was very funny. The boys and girls had lovely things to say about Book Buddies… here are a few of the comments….

I’d definitely come back.- Daniel

My favourite Book was I Am Bat because his eyebrows were funny.- Annie

I liked wearing my PJs. – Robbie

Well Done Father John !

Father John had the great honour of speaking at the Scottish Parliament on Tuesday 20th November.

Father delivered a wonderful reflection about young people and St. Fergus’ even got a mention!!

His reflection ended with a thought of us  encouraging our children to grasp the possibilities of tomorrow.  This is a thought that we do daily in St Fergus’.