Category Archives: Primary 2/3

Parent Information – Emotion Works

Helping your child cope with their emotions at home

At St. Fergus’ Primary, we adopt a whole school approach to emotions awareness and regulation called Emotion Works. Your child/children have had lots of input on this and should be aware of each cog and what it means.

Emotion Works helps your child to understand why they feel particular emotions and be able to relate these emotions to a trigger (cause) and find a way to calm down and self-regulate. Expectedly, with the current ongoing situation, everyone will be feeling a range of emotions on a daily basis. We hope this flier will be useful to you in helping to keep your child/children calm in what is an uncertain and strange time for us all. It will also promote positive continuity and a recognisable vocabulary since this is what we promote in St. Fergus’.

Please click on the link below for further information.

Parent Information Leaflet- Emotion Works


Family Learning Events Evaluation

On Tuesday at Parent’s Night, our Head and Depute boys and girls will be asking you for your views on or Family Learning Events. Please take time to complete the online evaluation with them. We are always trying to gather your views to help us plan for future events. Please see below for the QR Code and Web link.

Rainforest Drama

P.2/3 were taking part in some rainforest drama activities this afternoon. They were creating freeze frames of their drama scenes are were also recreating some rainforest animal sounds.

Annie “I am a bird eating spider from the Amazon.”

Mason “I am a parrot from the Amazon, they only really speak or make noises when spoken to.”

Ryan “I am a scary tiger who is trying to eat a toucan.”



We couldn’t believe it…..but Santa visited St Fergus’ today!!!! We heard bells and then Santa appeared in our class…. it was amazing. We chatted to Santa, sang songs with him and were lucky enough to receive a present too! Thank you very much Santa!