Category Archives: Primary 1/2

P2/3 Daily Tasks Tuesday 09.06.20

Good morning everyone! Today we are going to start with prayers and then do some mental math and numeracy. We will then move on to Literacy and after lunch, we will finish with some Health and Wellbeing. I hope you all have a wonderful day!

Prayers – School Prayer

Mental Maths – Counting

Counting in 3’s

Start from 0 and count to 12

Start from 15 and count to 21

Start from 30 and count to 45


Counting in 10’s

Start at 0 and count back to 40

Start at 60 and count back to 80

Start at 20 and count back to 100


Write the value of the tens

  1. 45
  2. 63
  3. 83

Write the value of the units

  1. 35
  2. 54
  3. 68

Listen to these numbers being read out and write them in number form

  1. Twenty-four
  2. Thirty-six
  3. Ninety-five
  4. Sixteen
  5. Forty-three
  6. Twenty-seven
  7. Eighty-one
  8. Sixty-two
  9. Elven
  10. Five


Mindfulness (10/15 mins)


Today I would like you to pick something from the literacy grid.


Mindfulness (10/15 mins)

Health and Wellbeing – Coping Toolbox

While we are not at school it is still important to focus on our health and wellbeing and talk about our emotions. For this activity I would like you and an adult to do this activity together. You are going to create your own separate toolboxes which will contain different things. It will be items that remind you of happy memories or things that make you feel better. It could be notes to remind yourself to take 10 deep breaths, a cuddly toy, photo, DVD/game, a note of your favourite song that you can play. Once you have collected your items, I would like you to talk about each one and why you have chosen it.

All you need is any form of container that you can decorate if you want to. Every time you start to feel sad, angry or worried you can look at the things that bring you joy in your Coping Toolbox.

P2/3 Daily Tasks Monday 08.06.20

Good morning everyone, I hope you enjoyed your weekend and got to spend some time outside.  Today we are back to work so will be starting with literacy, numeracy and then some music.

Prayers – School Prayer


Task 1

LI – We are revising the ‘igh’ digraph.

Today we have a different video, once you have watched it think of as many words as you can with the ‘igh’ sound and write them in your jotter.

Task 2 – News

Write 3 good quality sentences about your weekend, you can challenge yourself by writing more. Use your knowledge of taught sounds to help you sound out and spell words. Remember your punctuation too.



LI – We are revising place value.

Task 1

Write the value of tens and units/ones for each of these numbers.

e.g. 35 = 3 tens and 5 units.

  1. 67
  2. 24
  3. 38
  4. 83

Task 2 – ordering

For these numbers you will need to look at the tens value to order the numbers, then you will have to look at the units value to check if they are in the correct place.

  1. 46, 74, 35
  2. 75, 37, 74
  3. 86, 60
  4. 20, 5, 59
  5. 25, 49, 21


Mindfulness 10/15 mins

Music – From Miss. P

We are going to start today’s music lesson by listening to a piece of Scottish music which is a dance played by an orchestra during the lockdown.

This is the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra all playing from their houses.

Do you recognise the music?

Next, we are going to listen to a song that you may all have heard, played on a woodwind instrument, the clarinet.. there is another clarinet being played, it’s called a bass clarinet and it is very big, so it sounds very low.

Today we are going to continue with our body percussion. Why don’t you try this with your family?

Finally, after the great success with everybody singing and playing ‘Somewhere over the rainbow’, we have another thank you to all our NHS and Key Workers…this is great fun to do with your family.



P2/3 Daily Tasks Friday 05.06.20

Another week nearly finished, well done for all of your hard work yet again! We are going to start with some Spanish, then numeracy and finally P.E. and our Friday challenge.

Morning Prayer

Literacy – Note taking

I would like you to watch this story which some of you may know. Have a look at the questions first so you know what information you are looking for. Once you have watched it once, answer as much as you can and watch it again if you feel you need to.

  1. What was the first thing the caterpillar did after hatching from the egg?
  2. What did he eat on Monday?
  3. How many plums did he eat through on Wednesday?
  4. How did the Caterpillar feel on Saturday night?
  5. What did the Caterpillar turn into?




What are these colours in English?

  1. Rojo
  2. Naranja
  3. Amarillo
  4. Verde
  5. Azul

Once you have tried your best to write these colours on your own I have linked a video where you can check your answers.

Make a poster with these colours and the name of each colour in both English and Spanish.

GoNoodle to get you moving – pick your own today

P.E – Choice

Pick an activity from the grid.



Friday Challenge – water talking challenge

You might have to do this one outside! Take a mouthful of water and try and say the name of a movie, the other person has to guess what you are saying. Don’t face them as they may get wet if you do. You can take turns and do it as many times as you want.


P2/3 Daily Tasks Thursday 04.06.20

Good morning everyone! Today, after our prayer we will start with some Literacy, then Numeracy and end our day with Art then Free Play.

Morning Prayer

Literacy – Sentences

LI – To write 4 sentences with the sound from this week.











Mental Maths

Try to do these sums in your head and write the answers on your whiteboard.

18+1=                                10+6=

5+15=                                20-5=

12-3=                                 10-4=

Numeracy – Money

Task 1 – Working out change up to 20p.

  1. I give 20p for something that costs 10p, how much change do I get?
  2. I give 20p for something that costs 15p, how much change do I get?
  3. I give 20p for something that costs 12p, how much change do I get?
  4. I give 20p for something that costs 17p, how much change do I get?
  5. I give 20p for something that costs 3p, how much change do I get?


Task 2 – your cost.

I would like you to pick 2 or three items from the shop, then add up the cost to find the total and write what coins you need to pay for them. Do this 3 times.


P.E. Daily workout

Remember to upload your Olympics video before Sunday night if you want to enter!



Mindfulness 10/15 mins (colouring, cosmic yoga, reading)

Art – origami

LI – We are learning to fold paper to create pieces of art.

I have linked a boat down below that you can make. Remember when you are colouring that pen makes the paper quite heavy so I would suggest using pencil. You can also look on YouTube, with your adult, and pick out any other fun things that you want to make from paper.


Free Play!

No technology allowed, use your imagination to play with toys that you have.

P2/3 Daily Plans Wednesday 03.06.20

Good morning everyone! Today we are going to start with prayers and then do some R.E. After you have a break, we will do some mental math and numeracy.  Finally after lunch, we will finish with some Handwriting, Free Play and P.E. I hope you all have a wonderful day!

School Prayer

L.I: we are learning about Pentecost and the Holy Spirit.

Pentecost happened 50 days after Easter Sunday. Jesus promised the disciples that the Holy Spirit would come and help them when He was gone. Jesus had gone back to Heaven, so the disciples were waiting to receive the Holy Spirit.


  • Watch the Bible story of Pentecost:

  • Think about this Bible story. Use these questions and discuss them with someone in your home.
  1. What strange noise came from the sky?
  2. What appeared above every disciple?
  3. What were they filled with?
  4. What could they do now, that they could not do before?
  5. Do you think they were glad to be filled with the Holy Spirit?



Mindfulness (10/15 mins)

Mental Maths 

Counting in 5’s

Start from 0 and count to 35

Start from 45 and count to 80

Start from 75 and count to 100


Counting back in 5’s

Start at 30 and count back to 5

Start at 50 and count back to 20

Start at 85 and count back to 55


Sumdog – 15/20 minutes

Or Topmarks Shape/Pattern/Measurement Games/Money


Mindfulness (10/15 mins)

Handwriting – Vv/Ww

Today we are staring with the letter Vv. It is very similar to the capital U that had practiced last time. This time instead of the bottom being curved, it will come to a point in the bottom line, like an arrow head. Once you get to the bottom, draw a straight line going back up to the top line. A small v looks the exact same but is smaller in size.

Next I would like you to write the letter Ww. For the capital you will need to start it the same way you did for the capital V, except this time when you get back to the top you need to write another V without lifting your pencil. Again, for the small w it is the exact same but much smaller in size.

Free Play – No Technology Allowed



P2/3 Daily Tasks Tuesday 02/06/20

Good morning everyone! Today we are going to start with prayers and then do some mental math and numeracy. We will then move on to music and after lunch, we will finish with some P.E. I hope you all have a wonderful day!

Prayers – School Prayer

Mental Maths – Counting

Counting in 2’s

Start from 8 and count to 30

Start from 54 and count to 80

Start from 72 and count to 88

Counting back in 2’s

Start at 26 and count back to 4

Start at 66 and count back to 40

Start at 84 and count back to 56


Shopping list

Today I would like you to write a shopping list of 5 things that you need to buy for your house. Ask an adult to help you as they will know what is needed. Then I would like you to use a supermarket website to research and find out how much each thing costs. As we can’t go shopping we just have to use our imagination for this today. Once you find out how much it costs. Try to write down the coins that you would need to make this amount. Don’t worry if you find this tricky, I am looking for you to challenge yourself.



Mindfulness (10/15 mins)


Music – From Miss P

Hello everyone.

How are you all? Hope you and your families are all keeping well and safe.

This week we are going to listen to an instrument we’ve heard before.

The ‘cello, from the string family. The next 2 clips are played by 2 Cellos.

You may recognise the second one from us playing this at school.

The First piece is called ‘Storm’, by a composer called Vivaldi. It was written hundreds and hundreds of years ago.

Music written then is called BAROQUE MUSIC.



This second clip is fun.. remember this?



The second thing we are going to do today is called body percussion.

You can all give this a go with your families.

The final thing we are doing today is rhythm, along to a song I’m

Sure you all know.

Do you all remember

Ta- crotchets – one beat

Te te – quavers – half a beat.

Rests -Sh!

I’d like you to clap along with this to the rhythm it points to. Once you have clapped the rhythm then you can make it harder by adding everything else.



Hope you all have fun

See you all soon.

Miss P.


Mindfulness (10/15 mins)



P2/3 Daily Tasks Monday 01/06/20

Good morning everyone, I hope you enjoyed your weekend and got to spend some time outside. Today we are back to work so will be starting with literacy, numeracy and then a fun geography activity.

Prayers – School Prayer


Task 1

LI – We are revising the ‘ng’ digraph.

Today we have a different video, once you have watched it think of as many words as you can with the ‘ng’ sound and write them in your jotter.


Task 2 – News

Write 3 good quality sentences about your weekend, you can challenge yourself by writing more. Use your knowledge of taught sounds to help you sound out and spell words. Remember your punctuation too.




LI – We are learning to use money to pay for items.

Continuing your learning from last time, we are going to be making larger amounts of money by using coins and notes this time. If you would like a challenge, we are also going to be trying to work out the change that would be given. Before you start you might want to write down what coins and notes you can use.

Task 1

  1. £1.50
  2. £3.10
  3. £5.60
  4. £7.90
  5. £9.90

Task 2 – Extension

  1. If something cost £2.50 and I gave £3, what change would I get?
  2. If something cost £3.60 and I gave £5, what change would I get?
  3. If something cost £4.80 and I gave £5, what change would I get?



Mindfulness 10/15 mins

Outdoor activity

Don’t forget your sun cream today

LI: To find create your own map.

Today I thought it would a fun idea for you to try and create your own map. Try to keep it basic by only having key areas on it, like a path, grass or chairs. Make sure you bury your treasure somewhere that it can be found again. Your treasure can be anything you want it to be, maybe you’ve painted a stick or stone, it could be a small ball. Whatever it is, make sure that it is okay to get it dirty in the ground. An example of a map has been left below, you will also need an X to mark the place where your treasure has been buried.

Parent Information – Emotion Works

Helping your child cope with their emotions at home

At St. Fergus’ Primary, we adopt a whole school approach to emotions awareness and regulation called Emotion Works. Your child/children have had lots of input on this and should be aware of each cog and what it means.

Emotion Works helps your child to understand why they feel particular emotions and be able to relate these emotions to a trigger (cause) and find a way to calm down and self-regulate. Expectedly, with the current ongoing situation, everyone will be feeling a range of emotions on a daily basis. We hope this flier will be useful to you in helping to keep your child/children calm in what is an uncertain and strange time for us all. It will also promote positive continuity and a recognisable vocabulary since this is what we promote in St. Fergus’.

Please click on the link below for further information.

Parent Information Leaflet- Emotion Works


Family Learning Events Evaluation

On Tuesday at Parent’s Night, our Head and Depute boys and girls will be asking you for your views on or Family Learning Events. Please take time to complete the online evaluation with them. We are always trying to gather your views to help us plan for future events. Please see below for the QR Code and Web link.