P2/3 Daily Plans Wednesday 03.06.20

Good morning everyone! Today we are going to start with prayers and then do some R.E. After you have a break, we will do some mental math and numeracy.  Finally after lunch, we will finish with some Handwriting, Free Play and P.E. I hope you all have a wonderful day!

School Prayer

L.I: we are learning about Pentecost and the Holy Spirit.

Pentecost happened 50 days after Easter Sunday. Jesus promised the disciples that the Holy Spirit would come and help them when He was gone. Jesus had gone back to Heaven, so the disciples were waiting to receive the Holy Spirit.


  • Watch the Bible story of Pentecost:

  • Think about this Bible story. Use these questions and discuss them with someone in your home.
  1. What strange noise came from the sky?
  2. What appeared above every disciple?
  3. What were they filled with?
  4. What could they do now, that they could not do before?
  5. Do you think they were glad to be filled with the Holy Spirit?



Mindfulness (10/15 mins)

Mental Maths 

Counting in 5’s

Start from 0 and count to 35

Start from 45 and count to 80

Start from 75 and count to 100


Counting back in 5’s

Start at 30 and count back to 5

Start at 50 and count back to 20

Start at 85 and count back to 55


Sumdog – 15/20 minutes

Or Topmarks Shape/Pattern/Measurement Games/Money


Mindfulness (10/15 mins)

Handwriting – Vv/Ww

Today we are staring with the letter Vv. It is very similar to the capital U that had practiced last time. This time instead of the bottom being curved, it will come to a point in the bottom line, like an arrow head. Once you get to the bottom, draw a straight line going back up to the top line. A small v looks the exact same but is smaller in size.

Next I would like you to write the letter Ww. For the capital you will need to start it the same way you did for the capital V, except this time when you get back to the top you need to write another V without lifting your pencil. Again, for the small w it is the exact same but much smaller in size.

Free Play – No Technology Allowed
