Category Archives: Primary 4

Christmas Lunch!


We  had a lovely time eating together for the first time in a long time! The music was playing, the tinsel was on the tables and the children had a great time!

It was just


A big

-:¦:-•:‘””:•.-:¦:-•:THANK YOU-:¦:-•:‘””:•.-:¦:-

to all the kitchen staff for helping organise this.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Homework P4a

Homework Primary 4a

Every week practise reading from your Bug Club book.

Spelling Learn Its – choose and complete three spelling activities from the boxes.

Maths Learn Its – practise your learn its as often as you can during the week ready for Big Maths Beat That on Friday!

Complete one activity from the 3 times table games on worksheet.

Extra! Bring in a clean glass jar (jam, sauce) so we can start our positivity jar!!


Hi Parents,

Here is the P4a’s homework for the week. Your children can complete these tasks on any day of the week from between Monday to Thursday. It has been a while since they have had to go to school for a full day then come home and have to do homework. These daily activities are designed to be quick to finish (within 30 minutes) and hopefully fun for them to do. If your child is experiencing any problems doing any of the activities please let me know so I can provide further learning support for them at home.

Mrs Campbell

HWB Activities 25.06.20

Hello Everyone,

It’s almost the summer holidays, and today will be my last HWB post on Dojo and the blog for this year.  I hope you have had fun trying all the tasks this year and that they have helped you with your emotions during lockdown.

Activity 1

Create your own ‘coronacoaster’ to explore your feelings during lockdown and as we are starting to find our way back to normal.

Below are a couple of links to explain this further and to give you some inspiration.

Activity 2

Explain to your family about emotion works and how we use it in school.

Watch the video link below, answer questions and discuss it with an adult. There is also a counting challenge so you have to take a close look at the video.

Enjoy and happy thinking everyone,

Miss Cunningham

Science activity

Good Afternoon,

This will be your final post from me this school year for Science 🙁

But I’ve got a really nice last activity for you all to try 😀

You can try it at any time, don’t worry about having to do the task by Friday!

Do you wanna build a ….. no not a snowman!

Do you want to make some ice cream?!?!

Watch this clip and ‘Science at home with Mrs B’ will tell you how to make ice cream in a bag. If you can’t view the clip then google ice cream in a bag and there are loads of clips to watch.


Ice cream in a bag

Hope it’s a success!

Hope you all have a safe, happy and relaxing summer holidays. I’m looking forward to seeing you all in August.

Sending warm hugs!

Mrs Campbell 😀

Art Activity

Hi everybody,

Here’s my last art post to you all.

We are now in the last week of school and we would normally have the opportunity to visit our new teacher for the afternoon to get to know them and get excited about being in their class in August.

I’d want to ask you a question……What makes you happy?

Toys? Food? Family? Friends Pets? Holidays? …………..

This art activity is the chance to let your new teacher know what makes you tick and especially what makes you happy. I know that it is important to us teachers that we get to know you and this little piece of art will help us do that. Please send your completed work to your current class teacher as normal and then I can make sure they get passed on to your new teacher.

P7’s – please do this activity as I can get it passed on to your guidance teachers in the high school.


Don’t worry if you can’t print this off. Perhaps you could make a small video showing off what makes you happy. If you are feeling especially creative you could make a PowerPoint, film an iMovie, create a poster or simply draw it on a piece of paper.

Lastly when you do this activity make sure you are feeling happy to do it and that will keep everyone in your house happy too 😀

Mrs Campbell

Science activity

Hi there,

I have a fun activity for you to do today. It’s all about animals using camouflage which is a way of hiding something by covering or colouring it so that it looks like its surroundings.

I have a PowerPoint with audio (suitable for P1-7)  that tells you the four different ways that animals and insects use camouflage to protect themselves from being eaten!

It doesn’t matter what year you are in, you can choose to do any one of the three tasks that are listed in the PowerPoint.

The natural world is full of wonders and I hope you will learn a bit about how animals adapt themselves to survive in different environments.

Camouflage adaptation (2)

Butterfly Template

Have a good day,

Mrs Campbell 😀


primary 4 18.06.20

Literacy 18.06.20

Reading and comprehension

I will attach a picture of the text Little red riding hood and 2 pages of questions. Please read the text carefully and answer the comprehension questions. Remember not to guess an answer but to keep referring back to the text.

Rubies- Please read a book of your choice from bug club and answer all the quiz questions. Then if you have time try to complete some of the tasks Mrs Campbell has set you over the past few weeks for reading eggs.


Maths 18.06.20

Read the information on p102 and 103 then complete questions 1 and 2 on p104 of leckie book 1C for creating equivalent fractions. If you are feeling like you could do even more try the challenge section at the bottom. **I will attach pictures of all the pages.

Rectangles: You’re work was super yesterday. Today I would like you to practise counting in twos and fives. Please read with someone the information on p34 and complete questions 1 and 2 on p35 of leckie book 1A. If you are feeling up to it you can also try the challenge. **I will attach pictures of the pages.