primary 4 18.06.20

Literacy 18.06.20

Reading and comprehension

I will attach a picture of the text Little red riding hood and 2 pages of questions. Please read the text carefully and answer the comprehension questions. Remember not to guess an answer but to keep referring back to the text.

Rubies- Please read a book of your choice from bug club and answer all the quiz questions. Then if you have time try to complete some of the tasks Mrs Campbell has set you over the past few weeks for reading eggs.


Maths 18.06.20

Read the information on p102 and 103 then complete questions 1 and 2 on p104 of leckie book 1C for creating equivalent fractions. If you are feeling like you could do even more try the challenge section at the bottom. **I will attach pictures of all the pages.

Rectangles: You’re work was super yesterday. Today I would like you to practise counting in twos and fives. Please read with someone the information on p34 and complete questions 1 and 2 on p35 of leckie book 1A. If you are feeling up to it you can also try the challenge. **I will attach pictures of the pages.