Primary 1 – 17/06/20

Good morning Primary 1, I hope you have had lots of fun doing your sports challenges that Ms Harper set you over the past two days! The weather has definitely been better than we usually get for sports day!


Today we are going to look at fact and fiction. In class we have looked at stories which are made up and stories which tell us information. Have a look at the sentences below and decide which are fact (true statements) and which are made up or stories.

  1. A moat is deep water around the castle used for defence.
  2.  A dragon guards the treasure beneath the castle.
  3.  A knight wears armour from head to toe.
  4. The portcullis is a spiky gate which helped to protect the main door of the castle.
  5. Prince Charming lived in Edinburgh Castle.

Also I would like you to pick some words from our spelling lists last week which were tricky for you and have another go at them 🙂 If the yellow ones were all easy peasy then have a go at some of the green ones 🙂


Today I would like you to subitise (remember that means look and say how many there are, try not to count). If you need to group the objects and add them together.