P7 Transition Events 18th and 24th June

Transition Visit from Johnstone High – Thursday 18th June 2020

We are delighted to announce there will be an opportunity for P7 pupils to come into our school on Thursday 18th June from 9.00 – 11.00. During this time, staff from Johnstone High will visit and share some important information with the pupils. The safety of our pupils and staff is our top priority and as such, this visit will be organised in line with government guidance on social distancing. This means the children will be split into 3 groups, across 3 classrooms to allow for pupils and staff to be spaced at 2 metre distances. Staff from the High School will visit each classroom.

In order to restrict the number of pupils entering/leaving the school at one time, pupils will be given a staggered entry and exit time. The schedule for the day is as follows:

9:15 am – Group A arrive

9:20 am – Group B arrive

9:25 am – Group C arrive

9.30 – 11.00 am – Johnstone High Staff Visits for all P7 pupils

11:00 am – Group A leave

11:05 am – Group B leave

11:10 am – Group C leave

Parents/Carers of P7 pupils will be contacted in the coming days to inform you of the group your child has been allocated to. This group only indicates the time your child will arrive and leave. When dropping off and picking up children, please follow the signs and markers outside the school building to allow for social distancing. In order to maintain social distancing please drop off and pick up as quickly as possible to allow for minimal numbers of people outside the school building. It would be great if pupils could wear their leaver’s hoodie to both events.

P7 Leaver’s Celebration Event – Wednesday, 24th June

Although this is not what we had planned, on this date we will have the chance to give our P7 pupils a farewell event and mark the end of their time at Cochrane Castle Primary. The event will take place in our school gym hall to allow for pupils and staff to be spaced at 2 metre distances but also come together as a whole year group. Due to restricted numbers and space, it will not be possible for parents to attend this event, however, we will live stream it so you don’t miss out.

As above, pupils will be given a staggered entry and exit time. The schedule for the day is as follows:

10:45 am – Group A arrive

10:50 am – Group B arrive

10:55 am – Group C arrive

11.00 – 12.00 am – Cochrane Castle P7 Leavers Event for all P7 pupils

12:00 am – Group A leave

12:05 am – Group B leave

12:10 am – Group C leave

We hope that our P7 pupils enjoy this opportunity to mark the end of their time at Cochrane Castle.