Primary 1 – 08.06.20

Good morning Primary 1, I hope you had another lovely weekend. This week I will hopefully be in sorting our classrooms a little bit more so my replies on Dojo may be a little bit slower than usual 🙂


Reading on Bugclub today is as follows…

Rockets – King Pip and the Wish

Moons and Stars – Sarah’s Tap Shoes

Today I would like you to pick some tricky words from your lists in your pack, can you have a go at them all week, maybe write them down beside your bed or on your kitchen wall and have a go at recognising them every time you pass 🙂


Can you find 1 more and 1 less for each of the numbers? If that is easy peasy you could try finding 2 more or 2 less.








Knights and Castles

You could watch this video which is all about the ways to defend a castle.

Are there any that you spotted when you had a look around Edinburgh or Johnstone castle?

If you have started working on your own castle have you thought about any of them?

What is your favourite part of the castle?

Mrs McLauchlan really likes the arrow slits which are on the walls as they made it easy to spy on intruders and defend the castle 🙂