Courtroom Success!

Congratulations to the Abernyte Pursuers and the Defenders, both of which teams won their respective (mock) court cases!

Lewis reports on some of what was involved:

“A few months ago we were told we were going to be taking part in a court case! Our teacher said that we would be up against lots of other schools around Perth and Kinross and if we won the first round we would get to go to the finals were the Duke of Edinburgh is the judge! A solicitor came to our school and explained a bit more about the Court case. He said it was called Mock court case. We were then put into teams – 1 pursuer team and 1 defender team. The total points can add up to 100. There are points for lots of topics like Journalism, Court artistry, research etc. The basic story line is Mrs Telfer a 64 year old sends her grandson to buy her a new mobile phone from a Talk and Txt store. Ben Telfer purchases the Rokia 999 a very expensive smart phone. But Mrs Telfer could not use the phone and when the bill came it was a huge amount of £80.15. Mrs Telfer sent a letter to Talk and Txt asking why the bill was so large and if she could move onto her old phone. Talk and Txt then sent a letter taking her to court! So we had to try and make one side win. When we went to court it was very scary. The judge looked very weird with his wig. In the end both teams ended up winning there court case. The pursuers came 2nd place out of all the schools points and the defenders in 4th place. We have been invited to watch the finals and we still have a chance to win some prizes in the separate competitions like best court gowns and best court artistry. It was very fun and exciting.”

Pupils learned a lot about the Scottish justice system and the career opportunities within it.  From solicitors to paralegals and court artists, pupils had the chance to take on a number of roles and learn some of what they entailed.  It has been a great learning experience and the pupils have gotten a lot out of it.

Cross Country Success!

On Tuesday 18th February, after weeks of training at school to gradually build up stamina, the Primary 5-7 pupils entered the inter-school Cross Country Championships at Perth Racecourse.  Two teams from Abernyte competed in the rural race which involved approximately 130 runners running a 1 mile course.

All of the pupils who took part did really well, with everyone from Abernyte completing the course.  Many congratulations to Abernyte team A who finished in 3rd place overall and a BIG well done to Carlo who finished FIRST out of all the boys in the Rurals!

RSPB Big School’s Birdwatch

From the 20th of January to the 14th of February, pupils from Abernyte took part in the annual RSPB Big School’s Birdwatch.  Following previous inputs from The Tayside Swift Survey, pupils spent time learning about their local winged neighbours and the important role of conservation.

Pupils worked together to make their own bird feeders which were hung up and learned how to identify different species from their calls or their physical shape and markings.  Groups of pupils worked to spot, identify and count birds seen in the playground over a set period of time and all information was collated and sent to the RSPB to be fed into their nationwide data where it is used to keep track of bird numbers and identify any possible declines in species populations.

School Enrolment Week

Primary school enrolment

If your child will be five before 28 February 2015 then it’s time to enrol them for school. If your child will be five on or before that date you must register your child to start school during the registration week from 13 January 2014 to 17 January 2014.

The next school session begins on Tuesday 19 August 2014.

What happens if my child is five between 20 August 2014 and 28 February 2015?

These children are eligible to start school on Tuesday 19 August 2014 and you should register your child for primary school. However, nearer to the start of the school year you may wish to delay your child’s entry to school if you think that they are not ready to start. You should discuss this with staff at your child’s nursery who will be able to help you make the best decision for your child. If you decide to delay your child’s entry to primary school you will be able to withdraw your child’s registration form.  It would be appreciated if you could make this decision by 31 May.  Further information on deferred entry is available from all primary schools.

How do I register my child for primary school?

Each school has a defined zone known as a catchment area, and offers places in that school to pupils resident within that area.

You should visit your local catchment area primary school during the January registration week to register your child.  When you register your child you will need to take your child’s birth certificate and also your 2013/2014 Council Tax demand notice and a recent utility bill as proof that you live permanently at your address, as well as completing the registration form. 

Forms are available on the PKC website and in school.

Cinderella Panto

On Wednesday 11th of December, pupils went to watch the pantomime Cinderella at Perth Theatre, the last show that the theatre will be putting on before it closes for two years for major renovation work.

Everyone enjoyed the on-stage antics before pupils were given an extra treat after the show when they got to meet Buttons and Cinderella herself!

National Archives Trip


On Wednesday 4th of December, Primary 4-7 visited the Scottish Parliament and National Archives to learn more about their class topic The Union of the Crowns and Parliaments.

At the National Archives pupils learned about the Union of the Parliaments in 1707; the kings and queens of Scotland; the opening of the Scottish Parliament; politicians of the day; the official acts of parliament; how the Scottish and English flag were combined to create the British flag and the Symbolism used in heraldry and on coins.

Edinburgh Museum Trip

On Wednesday 4th of December, Primary 1 and 2 visited the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh to learn more about the Romans (which they have been learning about in class this term).  Pupils saw real Roman armour and weapons;  jugs and vases made from clay and silver; a scary looking war trumpet shaped like a boar’s head; gold jewellery; stone statues including a lifesize lioness grave marker and jewellery used to decorate a horse (pictured here)!

As well as all the Roman artefacts, pupils saw some real Andy Goldsworthy artwork (as used to inspire their own artwork created in Barry’s Wood previously) and were fascinated by the lifesize animals on display.  The elephant was a big hit but by far the most popular attraction was riding in the lift!

Anna writes: “We went to Edinburgh Museum.  We passed around some silvery armour.  We went in the lift.  We looked at Roman coins in tubs.”

Becca writes: “We went to Edinburgh Museum.  We went in the lift.  When we got out the lift we saw a Roman horse.”

Bea writes: “We went to Edinburgh Museum.  We went on the elevator.  I saw a horse from the Roman times!  Ants were carrying leaves across a stick.”

Ellen writes: “We went to Edinburgh Museum. My favourite was the elevator.  My tummy was feeling funny.  There were dolphins hanging from the roof.  I liked it.”

Big Book Breakfast


On Friday 29th of November, parents and members of the local community joined staff and pupils for a Big Book Breakfast to help raise money for Mary’s Meals.

Everyone enjoyed flapjacks or porridge (to remind pupils that some people only get to have one meal  a day) while they spent time reading and sharing their thoughts on their favourite books.

Parent Contact Feedback

On Tuesday 12th of November, parents came to Abernyte Primary to discuss the progress of their children with teachers at the Parent Contact Evening.  As well as talking with class teachers, parents had the opportunity to view a display of pupil work and new school resources and were encouraged to write feedback on post-its and stick it on the flipchart.  Below are some of the comments made about the school and curriculum:

“What a brilliant report from Eco-schools Scotland.  I hope you’ll be putting that in the local newsletter.”

“Excellent work being done by Primary 7 getting ready to go to high school.”

“Fabulous displays! What a lot of hard work!  Well done all involved!”

“Really lovely to see what fun and varied activities the children do as sometimes we hear very little from them, so thank you for all the hard work, it’s really appreciated.”

“Thank you for looking after our kids and teaching them so well.  Love the activities that you involve them in.”

“It is wonderful to see children learning in a ‘family’ environment, where the children genuinely care about each other and look out for each other.  They understand the importance of their own family and their local community.  They are active in tasks, encouraging to each other and have fun learning in class.  Well done Abernyte on installing the true value of family – something each and every child will be able to take with them wherever they go.”

“Dare” Computer Game online!

The computer game that was designed and created by Primary 6 pupils as part of Dare to be Digital 2013 is online now!

To play the game that pupils created themselves in a collaborative group, you will have to use an HTML5 capable internet browser such as Google Chrome (Internet Explorer will not work).  The game will be online for a limited time, so play it now while you can!

Head to the game over here and let us know what you think:

Thanks to Future Fossil Studios for putting this together and hosting it.

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