That elusive bag of sweets…


Kindrogan was brilliant, I liked the leap of faith. In the leap of faith we had to climb up a giant pole and at the top there was a bag filled with sweets. We had to smack the bag to get the sweets down. Carlo was the first to try it. He hit the bag but very lightly. Oscar hit it really hard but it didn’t break. No one else hit the bag.


Kindrogan Low Ropes


On the 10th of May we went to Kindrogan and did something called the low-ropes. Holly, Rachael and Lucy were in a team doing the low-ropes. We worked together as a team and we had good fun. We took it in turns to do it and a man called Duncan gave us a challange to not fall once. Lucy did really good on it and so did Elise. Carlo was good and James was good and funny when he always fell off it. It was hard because it had been raining so it was slippy for people. Daniel had said it was good fun and he would like to do it again. It was easy for Megan because she had really good gloves.


Kindrogan Field Centre

At The Top of Kindrogan Hill
On Thursday the 10thof May we went to Kindrogan Field Centre. We went over the Bridge of Cally, through Kirkmichael and turned off at Enochdu before arriving at Kindrogan. When we got there Duncan told us what rooms we where in. I was with Lewis, Daniel was with James and Archie and Carlo were with Joshua. We got changed and went up Kindrogan Hill. We found a grave yard and built shelters. When we got down we had our packed lunch and did the low ropes course.  After that we had dinner and played pool and table football until bedtime.
Mr.Billen woke us up at 6:50 in the morning. I got up and spent a bit trying to get Lewis out of bed. We watched TV for a bit before having breakfast. We had cereal and then went to the shop. I bought a little dog called Moriarty. We changed into waterproofs and did the high ropes course. After that we did a quick litter pick and went back on Jim’s bus.

Science – Human Body Topic

As part of our topic on The Human Body, the parent of one of our pupils came in to give a talk to the class about his work as an anaesthetist (a doctor who puts people to sleep for their operations).

Pupils were treated to a very interesting discussion on the human body, covering surgery, infection, the heart and blood, and the kidneys and urine.

Pupils got to dress up in surgical scrubs and were walked through an appendix removal!