Home Learning 23.4,20

Home Learning 23.4.20

Maths – Position and Movement


Watch these clips about words we use to describe the position of things;



Main Task

Look at the pictures in the grid and read the statements telling you where each object is. Draw the answer in your jotter for question 1 and write the sentence using the position words for number 2.

Fun Finisher

Sing and dance along with this clip about positional words;


Play this game on ‘ActiveLearn’ to help learn the important words to be able to position things in the right place. Remember to login using the first 4 letters of your first and second names (remember to use all small letters, no capitals).


Literacy – Writing

Setting the Scene


Watch this clip to remind you that the setting of a story is WHEN and WHERE it took place.

Main Task

You are going to write your own story beginning with a good SETTING. It could be about something you have experienced or an imaginative story you make up yourself. You could have real or imaginary characters and you can decide what happens in your story.

To describe the setting of a story we need to describe WHEN it took place. Some examples could be;
  • On a beautiful warm summers day …………….
  • One day a long, long time ago ……………………..
  • Late last night when it was time for bed ………..

The setting also describes WHERE you were and what you could SEE, HEAR and FEEL. Some examples could be;

  • …………….I went to the beach with my friends. I could see the clouds drifting by in the sky and hear the  waves lapping onto the sand. I felt so glad that we were all able to play together and we made sandcastles all day long.
  • ………….. Nigel the knight was a very brave knight (feel) who was dressed in shiny metal armour (see) that clunked and clanged every time he moved (hear).
  • …………… I lay down on my pillow to sleep. Suddenly I heard a loud thumping noise that woke me up. I sat up and saw a dark shadow on the wall. I was petrified in case it was a monster or a ghost.

Here are some pictures to help you think about WHERE your story  might be set;

Fun Finisher

Draw pictures of the characters from your story and make them into stick puppets (sellotape to spoon/sticks). Make some scenery to show WHERE your story is set and put on a show to act out the story. 







Home Learning 22.4.20

Home Learning 22.4.20

Number – Fact Families


Watch this clip showing how addition and subtraction numbers are related to one another, just like brothers and sisters in a family. If you know an adding answer, you will know the subtraction answer.

Main Task 

Draw these houses in your jotter. Write the 2 adding and 2 subtraction sums that belong in each family.


Fun Finisher

Dance along to this clip to help you learn about number fact families.

Play this family game.




Can you make up your own number fact family sums? Can you make some with larger numbers?

Literacy – Reading Comprehension


Below is a link to ‘Oxfordowl’ which is a free website offering great e-books for children to read themselves or with a grown up. To access this resource you need to register online. Choose one of the e-books to read, either with a grown up or on your own and talk about the characters and the events that happened.


Main Task

Read the story below of  ‘The Dream Dragon’. What do you notice about the story? Can you find the words that rhyme? 

Now answer these questions about the story. Write the date and title of the story  in your jotter and answer each question in a complete sentence. Remember to begin each answer with a capital letter and end with a full stop.

Fun Finisher

Use your imagination and make up your own story about a dream. Who will the characters be? Where will the story take place? What will happen? How will the characters feel?

Tell your story to someone in your family.





Home Learning 21.4.20

Home Learning 21.4.20

Number – Repeated Addition


Mental Maths – Count up in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s looking at the picture. Now close your eyes. Can you count up without looking? How far can you count in 2’s? How far can you go in 5’s and 10’s?

Double these numbers –

6, 2, 7, 5, 2, 8, 10, 3, 0, 9, 1, 4, 11, 12.

Can you double these numbers?

10, 30, 20, 50, 40,

Main Task

Watch the first video clip about repeated addition called ‘Explaining Multiplication’ using this link;


Draw the pictures below showing equal groups in your jotter. Write the sum and the answer under your drawing like this;

3 + 3 + 3 =


Fun Finisher

Play the ActiveLearn game I have allocated to you by clicking on this link


To login

  • Type in the first 4 letters of both your first and second name eg Jenny Milne is jennmiln  (all small letters and no spaces).
  • Username-  jennmiln
  • Password – woodlands
  • School Code – 6kwa

Login and enjoy playing. I have given you some repeated addition games to try.

 Literacy – Sounds ‘ee/ea’


Watch these video clips with the ‘ee/ea’ sound;

Main Task

Choose some of the ‘ee’ words from the video. Draw the pictures and write the words below it in your jotter. Do the same for some ‘ea’ words. How many can your remember?

Fun Finisher

Play this ‘ee’ and ‘ea’ game;



Can you think of any more ee/ea words? Can you make up a story with some of the ee/ea words in it?

Home Learning 20.4.20

Home Learning 20.4.20

Good morning P2, 

I hope you have had a great Easter holiday and are ready for some activities to help you with your learning. I can’t wait to see some of the super work you have been doing in your Home Learning jotter! Here are your tasks for today.

Number – Doubles/ Near Doubles


Mental Maths – Time yourself to see how quickly you can answer these double sums mentally.

4 + 4 = □         7 + 7 = □         5 + 5 = □

9 + 9 = □         3 + 3 = □        10 + 10 = □

8 + 8 = □         2 + 2 = □          7 + 7 = □

6 + 6 = □        11 + 11 =□      12 + 12 = □

Main Task

Near Doubles are easy to work out if you know your doubles. Look at this poster;

Copy and complete these double and near double sums in your jotter.

Fun Finisher

ActiveLearn is a site where you login and I will give you some games to play to help your learning.

To do this click on this link or google ‘Activlearn’.


To login

  • Type in the first 4 letters of both your first and second name eg Jenny Milne is jennmiln  (all small letters and no spaces).
  • Username jennmiln
  • Password woodlands
  • School Code 6kwa

Login and enjoy playing. I have given you some  double number games to try. What will your highest score be?

Can you beat your score each time you play?

Literacy – Spelling

Here are this week’s spelling words.

now, down, look, too


Use the 5 rules of spelling to help you write each of this week’s spelling words in the air (LOOK, SAY, COVER, WRITE, CHECK).

Now write each word in your jotter and use a blue coloured pencil or pen each time you write a vowel (or any other colour if you don’t have blue).

Remember – The vowels are ‘a, e, i, o, u’.


Main Task

Try this activity using one of your spelling words.



Fun Finisher

Play ‘Sumdog’ spelling for 10 minutes.


Can you use all 4 spelling words this week in one sentence?

Home Learning 3.4.20

Home Learning – 3.4.20

Maths – Symmetry


Watch and listen to this clip about symmetry.


Main Task

Look at these Easter egg designs. Only half of the patterns have been drawn. Choose one of the eggs. Can you draw it, marking on the line of symmetry and making both sides symmetrical?


Use a mirror if you have one to hold along the line of symmetry to see the symmetrical pattern. Make sure when you colour it both sides are symmetrical.

Fun Finisher

Create your own symmetrical Easter egg design. You can use different materials if you have them (paint, felts, chalks collage materials etc).

Literacy – Punctuation


Watch this video about punctuation.


Read a story book and find as many different types of punctuation marks that you can (capitals, full stops, question marks, exclamation marks etc)

Main Task

Copy and complete these Easter sentences putting in the missing capitals, full stops and question marks.

  1. the easter bunny brings chocolate eggs
  2. did you eat your easter egg
  3. ben decorated his egg with paints
  4. there were five eggs in the basket
  5. where do birds build their nests
  6. which season are most baby animals born

Fun Finisher

Try playing this question mark game;


Home Learning 2.4.20

Home Learning – 2.4.20


Count up in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s. How far can you go?

Main Activity

Here is a picture of groups, sets or lots of objects in a pattern called an ‘array’ pattern.

It shows 2 groups of 3 which makes 6 

This picture shows 3 groups of 2 which makes 6 also.

Watch this clip about ‘array’ patterns.

Can you draw and write about some array patterns of your own.


Fun Finisher

Can you use objects around the house (toys, coins, sweets etc) to make into groups/sets. Add them all up to find how many there are altogether.

Literacy – Reading


Choose a your own favourite storybook to read or read and listen to a story from this site


How many different characters can you remember from the story?

Main Activity

Choose one of the characters from the story. Describe what they look like (height, hair colour, clothes, facial expression) and what kind of character they are (helpful, greedy, shy etc) to someone.

Draw your character and label your drawing with some words to describe them.

Fun Finisher

Play the game ‘Who Am I’ with someone in your family to guess a character you are thinking about from the story.

  • Choose a character (don’t tell anyone who it is).
  • The adult asks a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ question (is it a person or animal, is it male or female, does he/she have dark hair etc).
  • Swap places and the adult picks a character and you ask yes/no questions.

Home Learning 1.4.20

Home Learning – 1.4.20

Number – Subtraction


Try playing this game. Choose Level 1 ‘subtraction’ and pick any of the games. Move on to Level 2 if you want.


Main Activity

Copy and complete these subtraction sums.

15 – 3 =

19 – 10 =

17 – 3 =

18 – 3 =

12 – 4 =

26 – 4 =

28 – 2 =

25 – 4 =

29 – 9 =

27 – 5 =

Fun Finisher

You are going to be the teacher. Show someone in your family how to do take away sums. Make up some take away sums for them to do. Mark their work and give them a star or happy face if they are correct.


Write down some strategies or clues that help you when you do take away sums.

Literacy – Reading


Click on this link to read information about animals in the spring.


Main Activity

Choose one of the animals to make an information leaflet about. Read the information passage again. Make some notes on the most important bits of information. Check you are spelling the difficult words correctly by looking back at the written information.

Fun Finisher

Make an information leaflet like the one we did about ‘Making Chocolate’. Remember to

  • Write a title
  • Use your notes to write sentences telling facts about your animal/plant.
  • Not use I/we.
  • Draw and label some diagrams for more details.


Home Learning 31.3.20

Time – o’clock and half past


Watch these video clips;

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIxaxnageTo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8w1MgXz_uZg

Main Task

Record the activities you have been doing on a typical day since being at home. Draw and label what you did and draw the analogue and digital clocks to show the time beside it.

Fun Finisher

Time yourself to see how many times you can do an activity in 1 minute? (hop, jump, throw and catch a ball, step ups on a stair etc).


Can you beat your personal best?

Literacy – Sounds

Watch and listen to these clips;




Main Task

Draw and write some ‘ai’ and ‘ay’ words from the video clips. Can you think of some more?

Fun Finisher

Get someone to ask you ‘ai’ and ‘ay’ words. Can you use the correct sound to spell them properly?


There is another sound that says the ai/ay. Can you remember it. Write down as many of these words that you can.


Home Learning 30.3.20

Warm- Up  – Number

Watch this clip about missing number sums.


Ask an adult to give you some missing number sums. Use your mental maths skills or your number square to find the answers.

Main Activity

Copy and complete these sums in your Home Learning jotter;

12 + = 15

14 + = 18

11 + = 16

26 + □ = 30

23 + □ = 29

□ + 10 = 17

□ + 12 = 18

□ + 14 = 19

□ + 23 = 26

□ + 25 = 30

Fun Finisher

Play this game;



Warm-Up  –  Spelling

with, will, see, for.

Write the above words in waterfall writing.

Main Task

Can you write a silly sentence using each word?

For example –

‘I paid for the toy with a tin of beans.’

Remember to begin with a capital and end with a full stop.

Fun Finisher

Play this spelling game. Try the sections on the body, colours, numbers and nature.



How many of your words (with, will, see, for) can you find in a book, comic, newspaper or magazine?


Home Learning 27.3.20

Number – Subtraction


Go on a number hunt around your house to find as many different numbers as you can (clock, door number, microwave etc).

Main Activity

Copy and complete these subtraction sums in your jotter. Use your number square from your homework folder to help you if you want.

15 – □ = 10

13 – □ = 11

16 – □ = 12

19 – □ = 15

14 – □ = 10

15 – □ = 10

14 – □ = 12

17 – □ = 10

19 – □ = 15

16 – □ = 14

Fun Finisher

Play 10 minutes on ‘Sumdog’. Your password is in your Home Learning pack.


Teach someone at home how to find the missing numbers. Give them some sums to do.

Literacy – Grammar


Look in storybooks, comics, newspapers etc for words with the apostrophe (don’t, it’s). Be careful, not all words with the apostrophe mean there is a missing letter.

Main Activity

Copy these words and combine them with the apostrophe to show the missing letter. For example,

Do not = don’t

Try these words;

I am

it is

we will

can not

she is

we are

he is

who is

Fun Finisher

Make a poster telling all about how the apostrophe can mean a missing letter.

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