
Home Learning 30.3.20

Warm- Up  – Number

Watch this clip about missing number sums.


Ask an adult to give you some missing number sums. Use your mental maths skills or your number square to find the answers.

Main Activity

Copy and complete these sums in your Home Learning jotter;

12 + = 15

14 + = 18

11 + = 16

26 + □ = 30

23 + □ = 29

□ + 10 = 17

□ + 12 = 18

□ + 14 = 19

□ + 23 = 26

□ + 25 = 30

Fun Finisher

Play this game;



Warm-Up  –  Spelling

with, will, see, for.

Write the above words in waterfall writing.

Main Task

Can you write a silly sentence using each word?

For example –

‘I paid for the toy with a tin of beans.’

Remember to begin with a capital and end with a full stop.

Fun Finisher

Play this spelling game. Try the sections on the body, colours, numbers and nature.



How many of your words (with, will, see, for) can you find in a book, comic, newspaper or magazine?

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