Home Learning 24.6.20

Home Learning 24.6.20 

I cannot believe that today is the last day of Primary 2! I have loved having you all in my class this year and am so proud of how you have worked so hard and achieved so much this year.

I want to wish you all a very happy holiday and I know you will all be looking forward to starting back at school in August.

I have put together a slideshow for each month of the year during your time in Primary 2. I hope you enjoy looking through all the fun pictures and hope it brings back fond memories of your time this year.

Our Primary 2 Memories

Here are all the boys and girls at the beginning of our Primary 2 journey in August 2019. Don’t we all look smart in our new school informs?

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August saw us settling in well to our new class.

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Main Task

Think back to some memories you have of your time in Primary 2. Write and draw about it. Here is what you could tell about:

Or why not tell your new teacher a bit about you?



Home Learning 23.6.20

Home Learning 23.6.20

Good morning, boys and girls, I hope you all enjoyed joining in with our whole school Virtual Sports Day yesterday. Remember to send in your photographs and videos of all your efforts and you might win  £50 for new sports equipment for the school.

Health and Wellbeing

Today as part of our focus on health and wellbeing we are going to keep with the theme of sports because today is International Olympic Day.

Warm Up

Lets find out more about how the Olympic Games started by watching this clip:

Warm Up

This year’s Olympic Games were meant to be in Tokyo Japan. Every morning in Japan millions of people tune in to the radio and join in with exercise routines set to music. Why not join in with a real ‘Radio Taiso’ warm up exercise routine:

Main Activity

Are you ready for some fun games and activities to keep you moving and active? Join in with some of these ideas:

Activity 1

Activity 2


Every Olympic Games has its mascots. The Japanese mascots are Miraitowa and Someity (the Paralympic mascot).

The name Miraitowa was chosen because ” Mirai” in Japanese means “future”, and “towa” means “eternity”, representing the wish that the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games will lead to a future of everlasting hope in the hearts of everyone around the world.

Can you design your own mascot and choose a name for it?

Draw it in your jotter and colour it in using pens or pencils.

Fun Finisher

Usain Bolt is the fastest man in the world. He holds the world record for running the 100 metre race. Watch this true story about his life and learn how he did it through hard work and practise.


Do you want to be the best in the world at something you enjoy? Tell someone in your family all about it and set yourself a goal to try and work towards it through practise, perseverance and hard work.



Home Learning 22.6.20

Home Learning 22.6.20

Good morning boys and girls I hope you have all had a good weekend.
Can you believe this is the beginning of the last week of school and of being in Primary 2! I have been missing you all and can’t wait to see all your smiling faces soon when we return to school.

This week we will continue to think about Health and Wellbeing.

North Lanarkshire Council have launched their Virtual Sports Day so I hope you are all ready and raring to go to take part in lots of fun races (children and adults too).




Here are all the events that will be taking place:

The link below will give you all the details you need to get started with activities, times and some suggestions for the resources that you might use.

Resource Pack

Join in with as much as you can and don’t forget to send any photos and videos of all your amazing efforts to   @WoodlandsCnauld @NLActiveSchools with the hashtag #NLSportsDay

There will be a prize of £50 worth of sports equipment for the school for the best photograph or video so get involved and do your best. Good luck everyone.



Home Learning 19.6.20

Home Learning 19.6.20

Good morning boys and girls. I hope you are all keeping well and staying safe. Can you believe we have come to the end of another week already!

Today’s Health and Well Being focus will be on ‘Community Helpers’.

A community is a place where people live together. Many people in each community have different jobs to do. Lots of these jobs help us in our everyday lives. We are going to find out about who helps us in our community.

Warm Up 

Watch this video about people who help us every day in our community.


Main Task

Read this book with a grown up to help you with any tricky words. It’s a rhyming book with clues to people who help us in our community. Can you guess what their job is? Click on the image below to find out.

Can you solve the puzzle below? Read the clue describing each community helper and try to work out the answer.

Draw the picture of each helper in your jotter and write a sentence saying what they do to help us.


Think about what job you would like to do that would help others when you grow up?

Maybe you could do some research on line and find out more about it? Tell someone in your family what your ambition is to be when you grow up and why.

Fun Finisher

Listen and read along with this story about lots of different people who help us in our community. Would you like to do any of these jobs when you grow up that might help others?



Home Learning 18.6.20

Home Learning 18.6.20

Healthy Eating

The health focus for today is healthy eating. It is important that we eat the right foods to give us all the energy we need to stay healthy, grow and be active.

Warm Up

Read some stories I have assigned you from Epic reading to find out about healthy foods:

There are 5 main food groups that we need to eat every day to keep our bodies healthy. Watch this clip and find out what they are:

Main Task

Here is a story about Sid the Scientist who finds out what food groups are in his lunch box:

Draw a lunch box like this with healthy foods you would like to eat. Make sure you include some foods from all the main food groups.

You could draw some of these foods or ones of your own:

Fun Finisher

Make a healthy snack or lunch with a grown up using different healthy food groups. Make your food into faces or pictures. Here are some ideas to try:


Sing and dance along with this song about the 5 different food groups:


Home Learning 17.6.20

Home Learning 17.6.20

Personal Fitness

Today’s health focus is fitness. To keep our bodies healthy we need to exercise every day.

Warm Up

Read the book from the Epic site I have assigned you to learn how daily exercise keeps us healthy and fit:

Jog on the spot gently for 1 minute. This will get your body warmed up ready for some fitness exercises. Feel your heart rate before and after your warm up. What do you notice?

Main Task

Draw a grid in your jotter like the one below and write each activity you  will do to keep fit in the first column. Time yourself for 30 seconds doing each of these activities and record your time on the grid.


Can you beat your score? Try each activity again. Time yourself and see if you can improve your fitness each time. What was your best score?

Extra Challenge

Can you make up your own exercise routine and teach it to someone in your family to improve all your fitness levels?

Here are some ideas of different exercises to try:

Fun Finisher

Cool down with these stretching and relaxation exercises.



Home Learning 16.6.20

Home Learning 16.6.20

Today’s Health and Well Being lesson is going to be about safety.

Sun Safety

The month of June is officially the first month of summer.  The sun can be hot some days and we need to be careful not to get sunburn. Today we are going to learn about how to stay safe in the sun.

Warm Up

Watch this clip to remind you of the 5 main things to remember to keep yourself safe in the sun.


Main Task

Draw a beach bag like the one below.  Draw all the things you need to put in it to keep yourself safe in the sun when you go outdoors in sunny weather.  Remember you need at least 5 things. Colour it in with pens and pencils.


Can you create a pair of fun sunglasses that protect your eyes from the sun and fit on your face? Here are a few ideas or use your creative skills and design your own.

Fun Finisher

Watch and read along with this story about sun safety:





Home Learning 15.6.20

Home Learning 15.6.20

Good morning boys and girls, I hope you have all had a lovely weekend. I can hardly believe this is the last full week of school before the summer holidays.

Our learning tasks over the next week will be focused on ‘Health and Well Being’.  Today we will be thinking about friendships. I know you will all be missing your friends and I know you will get to see them again soon.

Here are today’s tasks:


Warm Up

Watch this clip about best friends;


Main Task

You are going to write a recipe that tells us what ingredients are needed to be a good friend.

Watch this clip about how to be a good friend. It’s called ‘Friendship Soup’.

Now draw a great big soup pot and write the recipe for being a good friend using some of the words at the bottom of the sheet or choose your own words to describe how to be  a good friend.

Fun Finisher

Now it’s your turn to get creative.

Think of a friend of yours you would like to make a friendship bracelet or wristband for.

Cut a thin piece of paper that’s a bit bigger than your wrist to make sure when you fasten it it is loose enough to be able to slip on and off your hand. Use coloured pens or pencils to write a message or decorate it with designs. When it is finished fasten it with a piece of sellotape  and keep it to give to your friend the next time you see them.

Here are a few ideas for designs or make up your own:

Read a book I have assigned you about friends on the Epic site:


Home Learning 12.6.20

Home Learning 12.6.20

Good morning boys and girls. Can you believe we’ve come to the end of another week? Here are today’s learning tasks:

Maths – Length

The length of something is how long it is from one end to the other.

Read some books I have assigned you about length on the Epic site by clicking here:

Watch this clip about measuring lengths of things using the non standard units of  hand spans and feet.

Main Task

Use your hand and foot spans spans to measure these items. If you don’t have an item at home, measure something else.

Record your answer in your jotter.

Fun Finisher

Watch the Number Jacks trying to solve the problem of measure.

Literacy – Plurals 

When there is one of anything we say it is singular but when there are more than one we call it plural.

Warm Up

Watch this clip about how to make words plural by adding ‘s’ or ‘es’:

Main Task

Add ‘s’ or ‘es’ to these words. Write them in your jotter and draw a picture to match.

Remember –

Fun Finisher

Play this plural game:

(Press ‘Skip Advertising’ to start the game).


Home Learning 11.6.20

Home Learning 11.6.20

Good morning children, here are today’s learning tasks:

Maths – Symmetry

Pictures, shapes and objects are symmetrical when both sides are an  exact match or a mirror image of one another. Watch this clip telling you about symmetry:

Main Task

Log in to the Epic reading site where I have assigned you a book to read about symmetry. Click the image to read.

Choose one of the pictures below from nature and draw the other side to make both sides symmetrical. Mark on the line of symmetry with a broken line.

Ask a grown up if they have a small mirror. If they have,  place the mirror along your line of symmetry to check both sides are symmetrical.


Go on a nature hunt when you are outdoors with your family. How many different things can you find that are symmetrical?

Take some photographs or draw some sketches and mark on the line of symmetry. Happy hunting!

Fun Finisher

Listen and sing along with this symmetry song:


Writing A Recount Story

Warm Up

I have assigned you a book to read on the Epic site about a teacher who keeps having accidents. Read it together with a grown up:

You are now going to write a recount of the book or you can write your own recount about a time when you had an accident.

Watch this clip to remind you how to write a recount and what to remember to include:

Remember to include these important points:


Illustrate your story with a picture to match showing the characters, where the story is set and what happened.

Fun Finisher

Listen and sing along with this song about writing a good recount story:



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