Home Learning 17.6.20

Home Learning 17.6.20

Personal Fitness

Today’s health focus is fitness. To keep our bodies healthy we need to exercise every day.

Warm Up

Read the book from the Epic site I have assigned you to learn how daily exercise keeps us healthy and fit:

Jog on the spot gently for 1 minute. This will get your body warmed up ready for some fitness exercises. Feel your heart rate before and after your warm up. What do you notice?

Main Task

Draw a grid in your jotter like the one below and write each activity you  will do to keep fit in the first column. Time yourself for 30 seconds doing each of these activities and record your time on the grid.


Can you beat your score? Try each activity again. Time yourself and see if you can improve your fitness each time. What was your best score?

Extra Challenge

Can you make up your own exercise routine and teach it to someone in your family to improve all your fitness levels?

Here are some ideas of different exercises to try:

Fun Finisher

Cool down with these stretching and relaxation exercises.



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