
Home Learning 31.3.20

Time – o’clock and half past


Watch these video clips;

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIxaxnageTo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8w1MgXz_uZg

Main Task

Record the activities you have been doing on a typical day since being at home. Draw and label what you did and draw the analogue and digital clocks to show the time beside it.

Fun Finisher

Time yourself to see how many times you can do an activity in 1 minute? (hop, jump, throw and catch a ball, step ups on a stair etc).


Can you beat your personal best?

Literacy – Sounds

Watch and listen to these clips;




Main Task

Draw and write some ‘ai’ and ‘ay’ words from the video clips. Can you think of some more?

Fun Finisher

Get someone to ask you ‘ai’ and ‘ay’ words. Can you use the correct sound to spell them properly?


There is another sound that says the ai/ay. Can you remember it. Write down as many of these words that you can.


Home Learning 30.3.20

Warm- Up  – Number

Watch this clip about missing number sums.


Ask an adult to give you some missing number sums. Use your mental maths skills or your number square to find the answers.

Main Activity

Copy and complete these sums in your Home Learning jotter;

12 + = 15

14 + = 18

11 + = 16

26 + □ = 30

23 + □ = 29

□ + 10 = 17

□ + 12 = 18

□ + 14 = 19

□ + 23 = 26

□ + 25 = 30

Fun Finisher

Play this game;



Warm-Up  –  Spelling

with, will, see, for.

Write the above words in waterfall writing.

Main Task

Can you write a silly sentence using each word?

For example –

‘I paid for the toy with a tin of beans.’

Remember to begin with a capital and end with a full stop.

Fun Finisher

Play this spelling game. Try the sections on the body, colours, numbers and nature.



How many of your words (with, will, see, for) can you find in a book, comic, newspaper or magazine?


Home Learning 27.3.20

Number – Subtraction


Go on a number hunt around your house to find as many different numbers as you can (clock, door number, microwave etc).

Main Activity

Copy and complete these subtraction sums in your jotter. Use your number square from your homework folder to help you if you want.

15 – □ = 10

13 – □ = 11

16 – □ = 12

19 – □ = 15

14 – □ = 10

15 – □ = 10

14 – □ = 12

17 – □ = 10

19 – □ = 15

16 – □ = 14

Fun Finisher

Play 10 minutes on ‘Sumdog’. Your password is in your Home Learning pack.


Teach someone at home how to find the missing numbers. Give them some sums to do.

Literacy – Grammar


Look in storybooks, comics, newspapers etc for words with the apostrophe (don’t, it’s). Be careful, not all words with the apostrophe mean there is a missing letter.

Main Activity

Copy these words and combine them with the apostrophe to show the missing letter. For example,

Do not = don’t

Try these words;

I am

it is

we will

can not

she is

we are

he is

who is

Fun Finisher

Make a poster telling all about how the apostrophe can mean a missing letter.



Home Learning

Number – Addition


Log-in to this site. Choose the adding game you want to practise;


Main Activity

Copy and complete these adding sums in your jotter

12 + 3 =

15 + 4 =

16 + 2 =

20 + 6 =

25 + 3 =

32 + 4 =

36 + 3 =

45 + 5 =

40 + 6 =

43 + 7 =

Fun Finisher

Make up your own sums to complete.

Literacy – Reading


Choose a fairytale book of your own to read or use this site to read and listen to a story;


Main Activity

Re-tell the story to someone in your family but make up a different ending.

Write the story in your Home Learning jotter with a different ending. Remember a good beginning (Once upon a time, A long time ago, One day) and a good ending (and that was the end of him, they all lived happily ever after, he never went there again).

Draw a picture to show your different ending.


Home Learning 25.3.20

Warm-Up – Number

Count forwards and backwards in 10’s. Start from different numbers, for example

10, 20, 30, etc

90, 80, 70, 60 etc

13, 23, 33, 43 etc

95, 85, 75, 65 etc

Main Task

Copy and complete these sums;


Fun Finisher

How far can you count in tens within 1 minute?



Choose a book of your own or go on-line and choose a book. Read it by yourself or with an adult.

Main Task

Use the book you have been reading. Write about the most important thing that happened as well as the most important sentence and words from the story.

Fun Finisher

Draw some characters from the book and tell someone what they did in the story.


Home Learning

Warm-Up – Odd and Even Numbers

Can you count up and down in 2’s? Start at different numbers (0, 8, 12, 20).

Try starting at an odd number (3, 11, 19 etc). How far can you go?

Log-on to this site to learn more about odd and even numbers


Main Task

Copy these numbers into your Home Learning Jotter. Circle the EVEN numbers.

3, 6, 10, 13, 4, 8

2, 14, 3, 20, 9, 18

1, 22, 17, 30, 16, 3

Copy and circle the ODD numbers.

5, 12, 17, 9, 16, 7

2, 9, 13, 20, 17, 11

7, 19, 28, 25, 31, 45

Make a poster about odd and even numbers.

Fun Finisher

Sort the socks in your house into odd and even lots.


Get someone to ask you a number – can you say if it is an odd or even number by looking at the units?

Literacy – Sounds – Magic ‘e’


Watch this video about magic ‘e’ words


Main Task

How many words can you remember from the video clip? Write and draw them in your Home Learning jotter.

Fun Finisher

Use chalk, sand, shaving foam, steam from the bathroom etc to write some magic ‘e’ words.

Home Learning 23.3.20

Good morning Primary 2,

You have received your ‘Home Learning Pack’  and letter from Miss Ferguson on Friday.

Here are your tasks for today.

Home Learning


Warm Up

Count on and back in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s – clap, whisper, shout etc.

Main Task

Can you split these numbers into tens and units? Try some like this example;

25 = 2 tens and 5 units

Try doing the same with these numbers –

24, 35, 28, 42, 58, 74, 69, 40, 82, 52.

Fun Finisher

Play this game http://www.ictgames.com/sharkNumbers/mobile/index.html

If this game does not work on your device, play ‘Sumdog’ for 10 minutes.

Challenge – Make up your own numbers to split.




will, that, then, this.

Warm Up

Write the above words in rainbow writing.

Main Task

Can you write a sentence using each word?

Remember to begin with a capital and end with a full stop.

Fun Finisher

Use ‘Sumdog’ spelling to practise your spelling. ‘Sumdog’ log-ins are in your Home Learning pack sent home on Friday.


Can you put all your spelling words into one sentence?

Homework w/b 16.3.20

COMMON WORDS – read these words aloud from your word wall or list.
Group 1 – about, add, air, along, also.
Group 2 – gave, girl, green, grow, hand   PLUS common words from the word wallets.
Practise writing these words in your jotter in rainbow writing. Do each word three times.

Group 1 -when, out, what.
Group 2 – me, was, be.
Use Sumdog to practise your spelling skills too.

Group 1 – ‘ow’ words (owl, flower, growl, brown). Read aloud the words from your sound booklet each night.
Group 2 – Revise all the sounds from your booklet every night (sh, ch, th, wh, ng, ck etc)’

We will be talking about summarising the story and saying what happened at the BEGINNING, MIDDLE and END of the story. Ask your child to tell you about the MAIN thing that happened at the beginning, middle or end to check they have understood what they have read.

Choose 5 words from your reading book and write them in your best handwriting.

Remember to start at the correct place and make the capitals and tall letters touch the top line in your jotter.
Make tall letters and capitals twice as big as the small letters.
Sit your letter on or below the line.


We have started revising reading the ‘o’clock’ time using analogue and digital clocks. Look around the house for any clocks and see if you can spot when they say an ‘oclock’ time. Can your child explain what the hands on the analogue clock are for? Can they explain what the numbers on the digital clock are for? Which hands/ numbers are for the hour and which are for the minutes?

Can they draw some analogue or digital clocks in their jotters?



We were in the ICT room today to use ‘Sumdog’ to help us with our maths.

Remember tomorrow is Sport Relief Day and the children may come to school wearing sports clothes or something red ( football strips). Bring. £1 if you can to go towards a good cause.

Homework w/b 9.3.20

COMMON WORDS – read these words aloud from your word wall or list.
Group 1 – Revise all words on your word wall.
Group 2 – fly, food, found, four   PLUS common words from the word wallets.
Practise writing these words in your jotter in rainbow writing. Do each word three times.

Group 1 -there, little, one.
Group 2 – we, he, she.
Use Sumdog to practise your spelling skills too.


We will continue to practise these sounds this week –
Group 1 –  “ou” sound (pound, cloud, outside, count etc). Practise reading the  “ou”words from your sound booklet each night.
Group 2 – Practise reading aloud the ‘ck’  sound words from your sound booklet every night ( ring, bang, long, sung etc).

We will be talking about summarising the story and saying what happened at the BEGINNING, MIDDLE and END of the story. Ask your child to tell you about the MAIN thing that happened at the beginning, middle or end to check they have understood what they have read.

Practise writing these 3-D shape words words  in small and capital letters – cube, cuboid, cylinder, sphere, pyramid, cone, triangular prism.

Remember to start at the correct place and make the capitals and tall letters touch the top line in your jotter.
Make tall letters and capitals twice as big as the small letters.
Sit your letter on or below the line.


We will be working on subtraction sums within 20 and using the strategy of bridging back to number 10 when subtracting. For example 14 – 6 would be worked out this way –

14 – 4 = 10      Then  10 – 2 = 8  (taking away 4, then taking away the 2 is the same as taking away 6).

so 14 – 6 = 8

Try lots of subtraction sums like this as well as asking lots of oral questions to increase speed and accuracy.