

Christmas Homework

Your child has been given a Christmas worksheet to complete between now and the Christmas holidays.

Choose 1 task to do each week and return it to school on the Monday of the following week. Please ensure your child’s name is on their work.


This week’s sound is ‘i-e’ (five, shine, bite etc).

Practise reading your ‘i-e’ words from your sound booklet.

How many words with this sound can you find in a story?

Common Words

Practise the words from your word wall highlighted in green – (cold, day, don’t, each, eat, every).

Practise any words in your wallet if you have them.


Can you write each spelling word in rainbow writing?

he, she, we.


Practise your book each night. Look for any common words or spelling words.


Keep working through ‘Sumdog’.

Do some doubling mental adding sums in your head like this.

4+4= ?,  6+6= ?,  3+3= ? etc.  Try some up to 10. If you can, try doubling numbers up to 20  in your head.

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