Homework w/b 20.11.18

Scottish Book Week

This week is Scottish book week. The children have been given a ‘Read, Write and Count’ bag home today. There are lots of good activities for literacy and numeracy to complete. Enjoy using them.


Tuesday/Wednesday – Revise ay,  ai and a-e sound booklet.

Thursday/Friday – revise ‘ea’ sound booklet.

How many words with each sound can you find in a story?

Common Words

Revise – after, again, always, another, ask, away.

Practise any words in your wallet if you have them.


Can you write a story or a sentence using as many of these spelling words as you can?

will, that, this, then, them, with, see, for.


Practise your book each night. Look for any common words or spelling words.


Keep working through ‘Sumdog’.

Do some mental adding sums up to 10. If you can, try bigger adding sums in your head.




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