vendredi le vingt-sept mars

Bonjour mes enfants!

Have you been keeping up with your exercise? Remember that Joe Wicks is exercising with everyone on his YouTube channel.Joe Wicks

I also saw a funny BBC Bitesize animation about the development of castles in Scotland yesterday. You can pick up any missed episodes on 

The Primary episodes seem to be the odd numbers.

I hope that you and your family are keeping well. We are at the end of our first week of learning via the blog so please let me know how things are going and if you have any requests for next week.

Today we will start with our usual spelling test 😂Please ask someone to read out the words in a sentence so that you can spell the focus words. Remember that it has been the first column of your own word walls this week.

Next we have a writing task, based on descriptive settings.

I can write a descriptive setting using interesting adjectives.

Please choose one of these settings and write some descriptive paragraphs about it. Remember to use all of your senses and powerful vocabulary to create a sense of atmosphere. Also use interesting sentence openers, punctuation and different types of sentences e.g What’s that glistening in the sand?  or “Help!!!” screamed a frightened voice from the top of the Ferris wheel.

If you want to type up and illustrate your descriptions, please do so.

Moving onto maths- we are going to revise some basic time facts.

I can read half past times and write them in different ways.

When the minute hand ( the longer hand) is pointing to the 6 then it is half past the hour – notice the link to fractions! You will also see that the hour hand( the shorter hand) is midway between the 2 hours. This is very important when we show times on a clock. Please write the times in words and in digital time as I have shown you.

How about finishing off with some interactive clock games?

I have found a fun music site for you to have a look at as well as the sites already linked by Mr Green.

There are also the cool Glasgow Science Centre experiments to look into.

Have a great weekend, everyone!Image result for Emoji Missing you

8 thoughts on “vendredi le vingt-sept mars”

    1. Thanks for getting back to me. I hope that Alannah is enjoying the tasks. If there are any requests, please let me know and I’ll do my best to accommodate them. I really miss us all being in class teaching and learning together.

        1. Hi Savannah. I have just checked the link. If you click on it, it should take you straight to the Glasgow Science Centre site and you can click on any of the videos that you are interested in. I don’t have a sign in either, so please have another try and let me know if you are still having problems.

    1. Don’t worry about it. I think that you can onto the site through Facebook and Twitter if that might be easier.

    1. I don’t go onto them either. Please ask mum if there are parental controls on the access to the YouTube videos. If you still can’t see them, then see if you can get onto or for some ideas.

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