
Hi everyone,

Just checking in to see how you are?

There have been no comments on the blog for a couple of days, so I want to make sure that you can access the resources okay.

I know that some of you have been working on Sumdog and Activelearn, so please keep up all of this great practice!

A big shout out to you all and your families.Image result for thinking of you emoji

8 thoughts on “Hi!”

  1. Hi Mrs McLeod, I’ve been working hard on the work you have been uploading. We went a walk today for a little break and now I’m going on to oxford owl to do some reading.

    1. Hi Sophia, thanks for getting in touch. How are you finding the work that I have put up for you? Is it about the right level? I would appreciate your feedback as I usually have you guys to check up with when I am actually teaching so posting online is trickier and I don’t know how you’re getting on! I am really missing everyone!!

    1. I’m pleased to hear that you’re picking up the pace Savannah, but it must be tricky if it is noisy! Well done and thanks for replying. Are you enjoying the tasks that I am putting up for you? If you have any particular requests, then please let me know. I am missing you all.

      1. yeah but I miss the class to:(
        when my brothers scream there annoying but they wake up at like 11:00am but they don’t scream only at like 2:00pm

        1. Okay , so you get some peace and quiet – that’s good!! Thanks for your comments and have a lovely, well-deserved rest at the weekend.

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