jeudi le vingt-six mars

Bonjour ! Hope that you are all well and keeping up your PE and fitness with Joe Wicks every morning!

There are some additional links for learning on the main school Blog which you might be interested in looking at as they cover different subjects.

For your language warm up, look at the first column of you spelling word wall and find out how many rhyming words you can think of eg daisy and lazy. They are homophones- same sound, but different spelling pattern, whereas goal and foal rhyme and have the same spelling pattern and phoneme.

Your main literacy today is grammar and punctuation and we will focus on Parts of Speech. You have practised using all of these parts of speech, so this will be a useful revision task for you.

I can demonstrate that I understand how to use Parts of Speech

For the next section use either a real or online dictionary to help you. If you’re not sure 🤔 just type in the question e g what is the noun from beautiful? There are so many skills being developed here!

I can use resources to make links between different parts of Speech.

In the last section, look at the sentences to decide which punctuation marks are needed and where they will go. There are question and exclamation marks to be thought about too! The title for this section – I can punctuate sentences correctly.

Moving onto number, the focus today is multiplication.

As a starter, go onto this site to practise your times tables and exercise at the same time!

We have been learning the formal method of multiplication, so here is a revision exercise. Remember that the unit multiplies with all of the numbers across the top line and carried numbers are included in the column totals. I have given you a quick reminder below of the different steps.

So now it’s your turn.  I can multiply 3 digits by 1 digits

I have already done the first one for you in the example!

To finish off today, see if you can play Time Traveller with others in the house/make some snap cards of multiplication questions on one card and answers on another.

Have you been watching any of the BBC bite size clips which have been on TV? Keep your brain and body active and stay safe😊.

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