The Role of the School Pupil Council
The Aims of the School Pupil Council are:
1. To be a forum through which pupils can express their views in a responsible manner.
2. To encourage pupils to play a more active part in the organisation, life and decision making processes of the school.
All members of the School Pupil Council are class representatives on their Year Group Pupil Councils. Items for the agenda can be put forward by Year Group Pupil Councils, Senior Management Team and Pupil Support staff.
Annually the School Council would be provided with an opportunity to make comments on:
1. School Development Plan Priorities
2. School Target Setting
3. Curricular changes which affect the subject choices available to pupils.
School Council
Two representatives from each registration class form membership of the Year Group Pupil Council.
Two representatives from each Year Group Pupil Council will serve on the School Pupil Council.