BGE Awards Ceremony

We recently celebrated the successes of students in S1-3 for the Academic Year 2021/22 at the BGE Awards ceremonies.  Each year group was recognised for their effort & hard work throughout the year with a Gold, Silver or Bronze Award.  Well done to all recipients of awards and thanks to the music department for providing 3 excellent pieces of musical entertainment during each ceremony.

S6 Prom

We celebrated together with our outgoing S6 students for the final time at their Prom at Dalziel Park.  Thanks to our Prom Committee for organising this spectacular event, to all our S6 students and to all staff who celebrated our class of 2022. We wish all our students every success for the future and good luck for whatever path they choose to follow. Pictures from the Prom can be accessed at

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New Timetable – Monday 9th May

We move to the new timetable on Monday 9th of May. Students should attend the appropriate class at the start of period 1 (08:55) on Monday morning to receive their new timetables. The following classes will also require PE kit – 2A, 2B, 2C 3F, 3G, 3H, 3J 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D  

Parent Update March 2022

A copy of the Parent Update for this term can be accessed at the link below.  The update has important messages, updates and key dates for the coming months. Parent Update March 2022

S2 to S3 Options

We will be holding a virtual information evening next Wednesday (9th Feb) at 6pm for current S2 students. This session is designed to explain how the Options process works and answer any questions you or your parents/carers may have. Students should log in approx. 10-15 minutes before the scheduled start time, to ensure you are able to join. Please submit any questions you wish to have answered in advance through

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