Additional Support for Learning Needs (ASLN) are any factor which causes a barrier to learning whether related to social, emotional, cognitive, linguistic, disability or family and care circumstances.
St Andrew’s High School complies with the Education (Additional support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2004 as amended by the Education (Additional support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2009.
North Lanarkshire Council’s policy is contained within “Support for Learning Policy into Practice copy of which is available in the School. The school has a Support for Learning Policy, available from the school on request which is consistent with North Lanarkshire Council guidelines.
Some ASLN will be short term and some will be long term. Some ASLN can be catered for by using school strategies and other needs will require the support of outside agencies. The effect will vary for each child. It is how these factors impact on the individual child’s learning that is important and will determine the level of support required.
1. St. Andrew’s High School operates a policy of positive discrimination in favour of disadvantaged pupils within a framework providing for the right of all pupils to an appropriate education and social experience.
2. Every child has individual learning needs. This means that every department in St Andrew’s High School offers an appropriately differentiated curriculum to take account of these needs. Departments also provide a supportive climate in which the contribution of all children is of equal value.
3. The Support for Learning & Teaching Committee provides a co-ordinated approach for developing an effective whole-school policy on learning support.
It is recognised that all pupils, no matter their ability or circumstances require support for their learning. There is a school policy on Support for Learning applicable to all departments and cross-curricular skills.
For Example:
1. Every department operates a process of Target-Setting for each pupil, indicating precisely what each student is expected to achieve in terms of attainment and work rate.
2. All pupils in SI & S2 are invited to join a structured reading programme where differentiated tasks and appropriate texts challenge pupils at all levels.
3. S4 – 6 students have the opportunity to participate in the Study Support Scheme which operates after the school day in Term 2 and Term 3.
4. For those pupils experiencing difficulties in reading, a paired reading and paired writing scheme operates in school, supported by senior pupils; in addition audio-
tapes are prepared for pupils to ensure that reading difficulties do not prevent progress in other subject areas.
5. Pupils experiencing writing and spelling difficulties are be provided with laptop computers and spell-checkers.
6. SQA Special arrangements are requested and employed for all pupils with additional support needs.
Pupils with learning difficulties receive additional help through the coordinated efforts of both the Subject specialist and the Learning Support specialist. This may take the form of cooperative teaching or on rare occasions pupils may be extracted for short term intensive help.
The most effective strategy, however, is the consultation between the Subject and the Learning Support departments, which results in specially prepared worksheets and tasks appropriate to the needs of the individual pupil.
To support those pupils who currently have additional support needs, the school receives additional support from North Lanarkshire Council through the Area Learning Support Network as well as with the provision of two Classroom Assistants and several Support for Learning Assistants. The progress of these pupils is carefully monitored by the Learning Support specialists and is subject to annual review with the school’s link Educational Psychologist and with the pupil’s parents/guardians.
All departments provide detailed programmes of study for pupils identified as experiencing particular barriers to learning. These departmental programmes are collated by Support for Learning teachers to form Individual Education Plans for the pupils concerned.
Provision is made available for pupils with English as an additional language.
Looked after Children i.e. children who are cared for directly or whose care is supervised by the local authority are deemed to have Additional support Needs unless assessment determines otherwise.
Additional support Plans (ASPs) enable staff to plan effectively for children and young people with Additional Support Needs.
Some children and young people may require significant support from education and at least one other agency, such as health, social work and/or voluntary agency to help them meet their learning targets. Where this support requires a high level of co-ordination the opening of a Co-ordinated Support Plan (CSP) may be considered.
ASP/CSP’s may be initiated by the school or another agency. Parents and young people can, if they wish, request that a CSP be considered and would be involved in the process. Parents will receive letters from the Education Authority throughout the CSP process.