This week we have had a few positive cases of covid in relation to pupils from different year groups and also some staff. Please see the letter below which probably now applies to all year groups.
S1 Digital Parents Evening Survey
Thank you to everyone who attended our S1 Parents Evening. We are keen to hear your views. We would be grateful if you could complete the following survey to help us improve your experience.
Cumbernauld Academy – Christmas Jumper Day and Gift Appeal
Important Community Letter from NHS Test and Protect – 7th December 2021
Please read the attached letter from NHS Test and Protect.
Christmas Lunch – Thursday December 9th
The Christmas Lunch for all pupils will be held on Thursday 9th December in the school canteen. On the morning of the lunch the canteen staff will be very busy with additional duties. As a consequence it is important to note that:
- Only the pod will only be open at the morning break
- Pupils are required to load their card with money as no cash can be used to pay for lunch on the day of the Christmas lunch.
- No pin numbers will be issued so please make sure pupils have their pin number to hand
A gentle reminder that pupils must wear your mask at all times in the canteen unless you they are exempt due to a medical condition.
Christmas Jumper Day – December 9th
P7 Info Evening – 14th Dec
On Tue 14th December at 6pm we hold a digital meeting for all parents/carers of P7 students. Please watch the information video prior to attending so that you can ask any questions on the night. The meeting information is available from your Primary School.
NHS Flu Vaccine in children 2-5
To help increase the uptake of the flu vaccine in children aged 2 to 5 (not in school) NHS Lanarkshire is holding drop-in clinics for this age group. Details are published on NHS Lanarkshire’s Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Please attend the drop-in clinic in the area where you live. Children must be aged 2 years or older on 1 September 2021 to be eligible.
S1 Online Parents Evening – Teacher Absences
We are looking forward to the online S1 Parents Evening Event starting at 4pm today.
Unfortunately, due to absence the following staff will not be available this evening.
- Miss Anderson – Home Economics
- Mr Henderson – Technical
S1 Parents Evening
Reminder that bookings for the S1 Parents Evening close at 10pm tonight. Bookings cannot be arranged after this time.
If experiencing any issues with bookings, please email Mrs McGuigan on
- Meetings will be open for up to 4 minutes at which point they will automatically close. There is a 1 minute buffer built in between appointments to allow staff and parents to prepare for their next meeting
- The video technology in use requires that participants have a web cam and microphone. This should be tested to the meeting starting
- Chrome (internet browser) is recommended for use on a laptop/PC/Tablet or smartphone as it’s best for connectivity. Safari (internet browser) is recommended for iPhone/iPad.
- Microsoft Teams, Zoom or any other software that may have control over your microphone/webcam should be closed before joining the parents evening video meeting
- If you encounter a grey screen where you expect a video meeting it is an indicaion that your device/computer cannot connect to the video meeting server. If possible, we recommend trying a different internet connection or even a different internet browser. If still unsuccessful and if you have access to another device then it should be used.
Video help guides are available in a previous post should you require further assistance.