Parent / Carer Questionnaire

Scotland’s qualifications (including exams & the ways young people are assessed) are under review! Connect and NPFS are working together to hear the views of a wide range of parents and carersA short survey on the draft ‘vision & principles’ for the review: up for more info here’s also a closed FaceBook group for parents and carers to discuss the review – Reforming Scottish Qualifications: The Hayward Review


We politely ask all parents / carers / patrons to please be mindful when parking their car at the end of the school day. We have pupils who require contract transport in the form of a taxi that have unfortunately not been able to utilise an appropriate parking space in recent days. If you could please refrain from using the LCSC car parking (directly in front of the school) and the drop off / pick up point with the yellow demarcation (adjacent to the pitch) we hope this issue can be alleviated. Both areas are identified below in red.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Future Fridays 26th August

Future Fridays after school activities start on 26th August. See image for information. All pupils must return a new consent form to take part, even if they took part last year. Forms can be collected from Miss Small in Modern Languages room S015. Transport home can be provided for pupils entitled to free school bus transport


NLC School Transport Update

Dear Parent/Carer,Please see below details for school transport arrangements


Contingency Transport arrangements

Strathclyde Partnership for Transport (SPT) has set up a helpline for parents who have not received information about school transport arrangements.

SPT have informed us that work will continue into the weekend to resolve school bus issues. Information for Monday August 22 will be updated on our website on Sunday August 21:

SPT has also set up a helpline to assist parents/carers who’s child has not yet been allocated school transport. This weekend, the helpline will be open between 9am to 4pm on 0141 479 0164.

Please note that this number is ONLY for mainstream school transport.

Issues about transport for pupils with additional support needs should be directed to

Please continue to visit the dedicated page on the website for the most up to date information.


Could all pupil please load money onto their card using the machines located in the social areas. From Monday, no cash will be accepted at the tills, only at the Pod.

Thank You:)

Pupil Support Contact Information

In the event of needing to contact Cumbernauld Academy regarding your son or daughter please email your child’s Pupil Support teacher with any curricular/well-being issues or relevant updates.

Pupil Support teachers will be in contact as soon as it is possible for them depending on class commitments and other tasks.

Email addresses for each Pupil Support teacher is below.

Arran 1 (A1) – Mrs Milliken

Arran 2 (A2/3) – Mr Sheridan

Islay 1 (I1) – Miss MacLeod

Islay 2 (I2/3) – Mrs McGowan

Skye 1 (S1/3) – Mrs McMillan

Skye 2 (S2) – Mr Preston or Mr Boyd

FIRST DAY ARRANGEMENTS – Wed 17th August 2022

Please see below the arrangements for the first day.  We are looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow:) 

Before 8.55am

S1-S2 Pupils to assemble in the yard at the side entrance to the school

S3-S4 Pupils assemble at the main entrance to school

S5-6 Pupils to assemble in social area and assembly hall.

Staff will be on hand to direct pupils to areas.

At 8.55am

  • S1 pupils will be collected by their Pupil Support Teachers. S1 Fire Teachers should assist the Pupil Support Team in this.
1A1 Mr Boyd / Ms Duncan F045
1A2 Mr Sheridan/ Ms Cree FO46
1I1 Ms McLeod / Ms McGarry S019
1I2 Mrs McGowan / Miss Tulloch G035
1I3 Mrs Lamb/ Mr Phillips F049
1S1 Mrs McMillan /Mr Polin S040
1S2 Mr Preston /Mrs Donald S018


  • S2-S6 pupils should make their way into the building when directed by SMT and go directly to their Fire Teacher classroom. The Fire Teacher will  issue pupils with their timetables, and any other relevant information.


Could all pupils ensure they familarise themselves with their Fire Teacher and the location as this is where they will go Period 1 to be issued with timetables. 

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