Future Fridays Activities, 5th November

Future Fridays Activities, 5th November


Handball (S1-4)- PE

Volleyball (S5/6)- PE

Fitness (S1-4)- PE, Fitness Suite

S1 Football Trials- sign up sheet outside PE classroom

STEM Challenge (S1-6)- see Mr Cairney/Mrs Watson in Science to sign up

Cupcake Club (S2 ONLY) FULL- Home Economics

Coding (S1-6) FULL- Library

Social Work (S1-6) FULL- OLHS

You can still join any of the sports activities even if you haven’t been before- just pick up a consent form from the PE base. See Miss Small for more information.

Future Fridays- Duke of Edinburgh/North Lanarkshire Challenge

The Duke of Edinburgh Award (Bronze) is open to pupils aged 14+ and will take place at Garrell Vale Community Centre, Kilsyth, Fridays 1.30-3.30pm. There are four sections to complete: helping the community/environment, becoming fitter, developing new skills, and planning, training for and completing an expedition. For more information go to https://www.dofe.org/do/

The North Lanarkshire Challenge is open to S1/2 pupils and will take place at the Tryst Sports Centre, Cumbernauld, Fridays 1.30-3.30pm. There are four sections to complete: a service to help other people, physical activity like a sport, game or keeping fit, learn or get better at a skill, and go on an adventure. For more information go to https://www.northlanarkshire.gov.uk/schools-and-learning/learning-in-the-community/youth-work/north-lanarkshire-challenge

Numbers are limited for both activities so speak to Miss Small in S015 by Wednesday 3rd November if you are interested.

Future Fridays- STEM Challenge starting Friday 5th November

Are you interested in STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics)? Come and take part in a STEM challenge focusing on water. Water access across the globe is one of the main topics at the COP26 climate conference taking place in Glasgow just now. Unfortunately, millions of people still do not have access to clean water, they have to walk and carry their water great distances, and it can be dirty and contain pollutants.


If you would like to know more about global water access and water waste and conservation in the home, speak to Mr Cairney or Mrs Watson (Science Technicians) to sign up.

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