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The Modern Languages Department recently celebrated the European Day of Languages with pupils taking part in a variety of activities as part of their celebrations.

S1 pupils engaged in an inter-house ‘Who Want to Be a Millionaire?’ competition in French, with the winners being Morven House who reached a million euros! S1 also made a wall mural of a sea of hands, each depicting a country with words of its language adorning the fingers.  In addition, they completed a quiz about famous European scientists made up by Biology teacher, Miss Watson.

S2 worked in pairs to create a poster of a European country of their choice They used iPads to research geographical, historical, cultural and culinary facts about the country, as well as some of the language. S3 and S4 pupils had great fun in the Home Economics Department making French pancakes according to a French recipe, and these tasted ‘delicieux’.

Other cross-curricular activities included an S2 French boules championship carried out in the PE Department by Mr Egan; an introduction to French mime delivered by Mrs Reilly in the Drama department; and Mrs Kinnaird of the English department organised a ’French words used in the English language’ group activity with her S1 class and excellent posters made by the pupils were displayed in the corridors.

In addition, the very brave Dr Gardner delivered a lesson in French to his National 5 Chemistry class and PT Science, Mr Campbell, taught a Biology lesson in French to his Higher class. Mrs Ballantyne incorporated German words and phrases into her teaching of the ‘World War 1’ topic with S2 and Mrs Hunter set her pupils a set of Maths challenges. They also played a board game involving translating sums from French to English.

In the IT Department, pupils played the online game ‘Kahoot’ in French and showed themselves to be extremely engaged, enthusiastic and competitive! Under the guidance of Miss Lennox, pupils with English as their second language produced guides to their country of birth and their mother tongue.

Pupils who attend the Hub played French and German games organised by Mrs Currie and were treated to a French breakfast! All pupils, as well as members of staff, across many curricular areas thoroughly enjoyed their experiences and have improved their knowledge of French, German and hopefully other languages in the process!


The Maths department recently celebrated Maths Week Scotland.  Pupils participated in team problem solving challenges, including ‘Bowland Maths’ and ‘Maths wi Nae Borders’. Some of our S3 classes have been learning how the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans influenced Maths and some of our local P7s took part in our Practical Maths Challenge looking at problem solving, tolerance and measure whilst building mini football tables with jelly baby players. Our S2s have had fun participating in the National Sumdog contest. Braidhurst’s top 5 pupils, pictured below, are Chloe McKenzie, Marshall Lennox, Robbie Kennedy, Emily Dougan and Katie Morrison.


Braidhurst High School, joined the North Lanarkshire ‘Aiming Higher in Malawi’ project in March 2017. The project linked Braidhurst with a school in Malawi called MisanJo CDSS (Community Day Secondary School). The CDSS schools are the poorest schools in Malawi. The main drive of the project is to improve the attendance of girls and disabled children in secondary education. We also worked with the ‘Girls go for Health’ programme which aims to encourage girls to go to school and provide them with materials to sustain their educational journey. In Malawi, education is pivotal to survival and the rate of girls progressing into high school from primary school is very low.  One of the reasons for girls dropping out school is that when girls go through their menstrual cycle, they are not equipped to manage themselves in school and fear the embarrassment from their peers – so they drop out of school.

In preparation for our visit, the Malawi ambassadors visited ‘Sew Confident’, in Bothwell, to make reusable sanitary towels. Since joining the programme, Braidhurst’s Malawi committee organised over 30 fundraising events including: bake sales, bag packing, car washes, tin collections at football games, variety shows and race nights. In advance of their visit to Malawi the committee managed to raise over £15,000 in 18 months which allowed them to donate to specific projects on our visit, for example, including sponsoring individual families with disabled children. We flew to Malawi for 10 days along with 6 other schools in North Lanarkshire in June. The main focus of the visit was our partnership school, MisanJo CDSS where we met all staff and their 400+ pupils.

During the visit Malawi ambassadors painted a classroom and planted a vegetable garden. The group also paired with MIYO brand, a printing company in Motherwell, who provided us with clothing to wear whilst painting the classrooms. KIER Construction also donated protective clothing for our visit. The head teacher at Misanjo CDSS, Elias, was absolutely over the moon with our efforts. Other activities that our Malawi group led was the delivery of lessons on first aid and heart start. We played netball and football with them too after we donated football strips from Motherwell F.C and the Scottish Football Association.

In Mulanje, Malawi, we visited the Assessment Centre at the U5 Disabled Camp where young mothers take their disabled children to be weighed and assessed. Our pupils engaged with all the mothers and children and enjoyed helping to feed the babies, giving out stickers, and playing games. We also visited the Tailoring factory where our ambassadors were able to purchase items made by the mothers of the disabled children. Our pupils also visited Blantyre Prison where they performed some musical pieces for the prisoners and also watched a singing and dancing display performed by the inmates. The visit aside, the trip provided our children with a greater appreciation of a developing country such as Africa, a level of poverty that we have never seen.  Our pupils who not only went on the trip, but our committee of 40+ pupils at Braidhurst High School of pupils from S1-6, developed a greater sense of global citizenship and appreciation of a wider world and culture.

Summer School 2018

The school hosted its annual Summer Transition Programme from Wednesday 8th August until Friday 10th August.  A group of twenty young people took part in a wide range of curricular activities including robotics, trampolining and healthy cooking.  The Summer Programme helps ease the transition from primary to secondary and gives young people the opportunity to meet new friends, members of staff and find their way around the school building before the start of term.  On the final day the group went to Blair Drummond Safari Park for a day of fun. On Friday 24th August the pupils came together for a final celebration where they received their certificates and showcased a presentation of the activities they took part in during Summer School.  The pupils and families were supported by Linda McGurk, Home School Partnership Officer and a large group of school staff.

Summer transition project with Reeltime music



A group of pupils from Braidhurst High School recently enjoyed a whirlwind tour of the beautiful capital city of Berlin in Germany before the summer break. The group was accompanied by Mrs. Magowan  Dr. Gardner, Mrs. Kinnaird, Miss. Lyttle, Mr. Marshall and Mr. Brandon.

During the trip, the group took part in a variety of activities, including a visit to the main tourist attractions of the Jewish Memorial, the Gedachtniskirche and the Brandenburg Gate. The group also enjoyed a tour of the Reichstag (the German Parliament); went to the top of the TV Tower, and visited the famous Sports’ and Olympic Museum. There was also time to go shopping in the Ritter Sport Chocolate Shop, the Ampelmann Shop and on the Kurfurstendamm, with some purchases being made in the KaDeWe, the largest department store in Europe!

To relax, the group spent an afternoon in the Tropical Islands Water Park (the largest indoor water park in the world), where they had fun going down the many flumes and river rapids. The group travelled by ferry from Hull to Rotterdam in Holland and entertained the other passengers on board by line dancing to their favourite tunes. There was also time to stop in the beautiful city of Hannover en route to Berlin.

All pupils and staff thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to extend their knowledge of the German culture and language, as well as getting to taste the many types of German sausage!

Welcome Back

We hope all pupils have had a great summer break and are ready for the first day of term tomorrow.

School starts back as normal at 8:55am. All pupils should report to the following locations for the first 10 mins, then to their period 1 class:


Report to assembly hall


2A: Rm4 (M Kinnaird)

2L: Rm11 (A McIntyre)

2M: Rm19 (E Magowan)

2R: Rm41 (K Reily)



3A: Rm18 (S Main)

3M: Rm25 (M Cole)

3C: Rm27 (S Crawford)

3L: Rm 23 (C O’Toole)

3R: Rm26 (M Paterson)



4A: Rm1 (L Paterson)

4M: Rm2 (C Swinburne)

4C: Rm3 (R Allan)

4L: Rm5 (L Ballantyne)

4R: Rm6 (P Brandon)



5A: Rm10 (R Mearns)

5M: Rm9 (J Hunter)

5L: Rm7 (K Logan)

5R: Rm12 (K McAra)

6A: Rm14 (D Chisholm)

6M: Rm13 (P Clifford)

6L: Rm11 (N Mitchell)

6R: Rm15 (G Galloway)


Any pupil with a issue with their timetable should report to the Dining hall during that period.


On the morning of Friday, 15th June, we enjoyed a visit from author, Martin Stewart. As part of our drive to raise literacy levels in the Broad General Education phase of the school, we invited Martin to deliver sessions to our S3 pupils, which focussed on strategies to make their creative writing more powerful, as begin working towards achieving their National 5 qualification. S2 pupils were treated to a presentation from the author, where he inspired and enthused as he described his own personal journey of lifelong learning and developing skills for work. Our pupils were delighted to receive their very own copy of his book, “Riverkeep”, even waiting through interval to have them signed; a truly ringing endorsement of what a fantastic event this was!