1st PTFA meeting 2012

The Braidhurst High Parent Teachers and Friends Association recently held a meeting and made final plans for the first event of the session. A ‘Race Night’ has been organised to take place on Friday 5th October in the David Cooper Foundation Suite at Fir Park Stadium. Entry is by ticket only with tickets costing £1 available from the school partnership officer Mrs Linda McGurk.

During the recent PTFA meeting the school Parent Council was elected with Mrs Gardiner, Miss McCall, Mrs Jeffrey and Mrs Allan as members. Mrs Linda McGurk the partnership officer will, again, act as secretary of the group with Mr Hannan the rector as advisor.


The first meeting if the Braidhurst Parent, Teachers and Friends Association will be held in the school on Thursday 30th August starting at 7 pm. A race night is being organised to take place early in the session and the Parent council will be formed at the meeting.

New Staff 2012

As well as many new pupils, the school also welcomed several new teachers to the school including Ms Karen lamb in Drama, Ms Gemma Collins in Music, Mr James Thompson and Ms Natalie Durrant in Physical Education, Mr Alan Dickie in Biology and Ms Jennifer McKenna in Technical Education. All these staff seem to have settled very well into their new school and staff and pupils hope that they enjoy working in Braidhurst.


The school Astroturf was upgraded over the holiday period and staff and pupils seem absolutely delighted with the new FIFA quality surface. This is being very well used with a range of football groups now established within the school. The recently introduced Elite Performance group of 20 players working with Scottish FA coach Gordon Craig have their sessions from 8.30 until 10 am each day. All other groups of School of Football players receive their sessions from Scottish FA coach Steven Hamilton and Motherwell FC coach Paul Burns.


New Intake

Braidhurst High experienced an increase in the school roll at the beginning of term. All of the new pupils were in full school uniform and were looking fantastic. The pupils in the new first year had senior pupils allocated as guides to ensure they quickly settled into the secondary environment. Initial reactions from staff and pupils indicate that they will quickly feet at home.

Clubs 2012

Staff have now started a wide range of extra curricular clubs for lunchtime and after school. Parents of pupils in first year have been invited to attend a meeting on Thursday 6 September at 7 pm to learn more about the activities on offer.

Clubs available:

Mondays: running, jazz band, trampoline, netball, table tennis, fitness and faith in film.

Tuesdays: basketball, triple L club, breakfast club, guitar, glee, fitness, badminton and football.

Wednesday: table tennis, drama, film club, French activities, Hub lunch, breakfast, senior social, volleyball, fitness as well as girls and boys football.

Thursdays: fitness, boxing, volleyball, netball, art, robotics, breakfast, going for gold and football.

Friday: fitness, rugby, art, Hub lunch club, samba band and rock group.

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