Braidhurst High has been invited to take part in a forthcoming concert organised by Motherwell, Wishaw and District Rotary Club. This will take place on Saturday 23rd February in Dalziel St Andrews Church. The school will be represented by the Samba Group.
Outward Bound week provided 12 young people from 4th year with challenging and new experiences. They were able to meet and interact with a whole new group of young people from a variety of backgrounds across North Lanarkshire. Throughout the week the pupils were given the opportunity to set goals, to complete challenges, improve communication skills and take on leadership roles – this allowed them to develop life skills which can be utilised in daily situations. The majority of the pupils coped extremely well with being away from home and dealing with the social and emotional challenges they were presented with throughout the week. Developing skills on reflection and evaluation allowed the pupils to develop as young adults and discuss a variety of topics which affect their every day life. The Outward Bound experience was incredible and the positive impact on the young people has been substantial. A truly unforgettable week for all involved, many of whom described it as ‘the best week of their lives’.
The third year XL pupils from Braidhurst recently raised money from a Christmas Craft sale. Pupils donated the profits from their handmade crafts to the Parkinson’s Group in Motherwell. This fantastic achievement follows on from the pupils previous venture with the group, providing entertainment for their St Andrews Day celebrations.
Support workers Margaret Cassidy and Peter McInally and members of the group were delighted with the girls’ efforts. Pictured are the members of the group with the staff and pupils of Braidhurst. Pupils now look forward to planning future events with the group members.
Pupils in upper school have now been completed their examinations. Staff are now busy marking scripts and completing parental reports. Parents will again be invited into school to meet with Pupil Support Staff to go over reports and set targets prior to pupils sitting the final examinations in May.
The first of the trials for next year’s intake to the Performance School of Football will take place on the afternoon of Monday 18th February in the school. Mr Gordon Craig, the Scottish FA coach in charge of the selection, will take charge of the trials and procedures for selection. Further details are available from the Rector, Mr Hannan at the school.
School Holidays
The school will close for pupils after Prizegiving on Thursday 7th February, opening again on Thursday 14th February at 9 am.
Anyone interested in going to see FAME in the Kings Theatre on the 6th march please bring in their £10 to Miss Donnelly this week!
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