Category Archives: Whole School News

Live Q&A with Professor Jason Leitch

The LFD testing programme has been expanded to include S1-3 pupils after the Easter break

On Tuesday 23rd March, Jason Leitch, in partnership with Young Scot, will be hosting two live Q&A sessions for young people regarding the testing programme.

The first event will take place at 13:30 for S1-S3 pupils and there will be a further session with S4-S6 pupils at 16:30. The live events will be held on e-Sgoil so that any school across Scotland can access.

Further information is available: Click here

Town & Community HUB proposals: Motherwell

NLC has the ambition to replace every school not replaced or remodelled since 1996 and the vision is to make these places for the whole community rather than only the school community.

To do this, hubs will be places where education is delivered alongside other council and community services. Hubs will have a form and facilities based on the needs of the local community.

Proposed types of hub:

  • Town hubs are likely to include primary and secondary education and an early years’ facility. Other services on offer will be larger in scale, such as more comprehensive sport, culture and leisure facilities and a wider range of council and partner services.
  • Community hubs are likely to include at least one learning establishment and may include other zones such as sport and leisure.
  • Small community hubs may exist in areas where there is no requirement for new education facilities but where there is a need to replace older facilities like libraries, community centres and health centres.

NLC are currently engaging with the communities within each town in North Lanarkshire and hope to gather as many survey returns as possible to ensure the views of the community are represented in selecting the best site for the town hub.

Town and Community Hub Video

Location Video Link  ( Motherwell)

Survey (Motherwell)

For more info: Click here

Update from Executive Director

Dear Parent/Carer

I am writing to update you on the Scottish Government’s recent announcement regarding the phased return of pupils.

The Scottish Government has announced that the next phase of reopening education will take place on Monday 15th March, unless new evidence or new circumstances come to light.

Primary (Including ASN Schools and Units)

Pupils in P4-7 will return to school on Monday 15th March, joining P1-3 pupils who are already back at school. Arrangements for vulnerable children and the children of keyworkers will end, and these children will re-join their normal classes. Breakfast clubs will also restart on Monday 15th March for all pupils.

Schools will contact parents/carers by Friday 12th March with final arrangements of the return.

Secondary (Including ASN Schools and Units)

From 15th of March, all secondary pupils will receive a mixture of remote and in-school learning. Each school will decide how to safely balance remote and in-school learning based on local circumstances and needs. Senior phase students (S4-S6) who are taking national qualifications will have priority for face-to-face lessons in school.

Arrangements for remote learning for pupils who are currently not in school will be affected by these new plans, and schools will contact parents/carers to inform them of the changes which are necessary.

Schools will contact parents/carers by Friday 12th March with further details of when individual pupils should attend school.

Further mitigating factors for secondary aged pupils are detailed below:

  • 2 metre physical distancing should be applied in school buildings, between secondary aged pupils and between pupils and staff
  • Face coverings should be worn by all secondary aged pupils both in class and when moving around school buildings

Further communication will be issued prior to the start of the Spring Break with updated guidance for term 4.


Pupils who travel by school transport will continue to be able to do so. If it is necessary to alter arrangements for any pupils, parents/carers will be informed by Friday 12th March.

For secondary aged pupils, face coverings should be worn on school transport (as on public transport) and an approach taken whereby pupils sit on staggered seating (i.e. not next to each other, but alternating window-aisle-window etc. row by row) Car sharing should continue to be discouraged.

School Meals

School meals will be available for primary pupils, and secondary pupils when they are in school at lunchtime, and those eligible will receive free school meals.

Direct payments to parents/carers of secondary pupils entitled to free school meals will continue on the days pupils are engaged in remote learning at home, until a full time return to school is achieved.

Pupils who are self-isolating and receive a free school meal will continue to receive direct payment until they return to school.

Secondary Schools – Children of Keyworkers, and Vulnerable Children

Eligible children of key workers and vulnerable children will continue with existing arrangements.

Extremely Clinically Vulnerable Children and Young People

Extremely clinically vulnerable children and young people should continue to shield unless otherwise advised by a clinician.

Once again, I would like to thank you for all you have done, and continue to do, to support your child’s learning through this challenging time. Our schools and centres are grateful for all the support you have given during the period of remote learning.

Yours sincerely

Derek Brown

Executive Director, Education and Families

Click to download original: Parent-Carer Letter DB – March 21

Additional Info: Framework for Decision Making

Senior Phase Digital Consortium Parent/ Carer Survey

Senior Phase Digital Consortium Arrangements August 2020- December 2020

North Lanarkshire’s Digital Classroom is an exciting an innovative way to deliver teaching and learning whilst preparing children and young people for digital approaches to learning used in further education and in the world of work. The development of digital learning was being planned in North Lanarkshire, however was accelerated in response to COVID-19 Health and Safety measures resulting in young people staying in their own schools rather than travelling to be taught in another establishment.

Last term, your child was one of many taking part in subject learning which part of the locality consortium arrangements was. This was learning that was being delivered digitally from another school. To help inform our future planning and as part of the ongoing monitoring of this work I would be very grateful if you could complete a short survey.

Parent/Carer Questionnaire –

Views of parents, young people and staff are important to any development work within Education and Families and will inform future approaches. Your child has also been asked to complete a short survey and so have the school staff who deliver these lessons digitally.

I appreciate your time and support and thank you in advance for completing this survey.


Yours sincerely 

Jill Woodward

Education Manager

Update from Mrs Rooney

Dear Parent/Carer,

I hope this letter finds you and your family well.  I thought I would give you an update on last week and on how we intend to move forward.

Microsoft Teams is now up and running for every class. Every pupil should be assigned to their class.  They are also assigned to a year group enabling us to meet with them on a weekly basis and answer any questions they may have and provide information relevant to their specific year group.  These will be organised through Teams as follows:-

S1 –     Monday 1.15pm

S2 –     Tuesday 1.15pm

S3 –     Wednesday 12.10pm

S4 –     Tuesday 12.10pm

S5 –     Tuesday 1.30pm

S6 –     Thursday 1.30pm

If you, or your child, are experiencing any difficulty, we might be able to help in the following ways: –

  • No ICT or internet access. Phone the school on 01698 274999 and ask to speak to the Principal Teacher of Pupil Support who is on duty.  Due to COVID protocols we cannot have all Principal Teachers in each day.
  • Lost or forgotten GLOW Username or password. If you visit the school website and complete the form someone will get back to you.  Alternatively phone the school to ask that this be reset.
  • Having difficulty accessing specific aspects of the curriculum. In the first instance ask your son/daughter to message their class teacher through Teams. If this doesn’t fix the problem, then contact their Principal Teacher of Pupil Support by phoning the school or send an email as follows:

Atholl House

Laura Lyttle:

Lorne House   

Jenna Young:

Morven House

Mark Paterson:

Rannoch House

Marie McHugh:

Angela McIntyre:

Speak to us about any pastoral issues. Phone the school on 01698 274999 and ask to speak to the duty Principal Teacher of Pupil Support.  In an emergency, please ask to speak to the member of the senior management team on duty.

This week we will be checking to see how well pupils have been engaging with their online learning. It is vital all pupils engage with the work being set.  We will review the information provided by staff and be in touch if there is an issue.

Some parents/carers have been in touch requesting information on online learning and how they can support their child access and complete work.  We are in the process of organising an online information session for parents, details will be communicated to parents when this has been arranged.

S4/5/6 Reports will be posted out during the week beginning the 8th of February.

In the meantime, we appreciate this is a stressful time for everyone.  We ask for your patience and support in helping your child get through this challenging and unprecedented period.  If you have any worries or concerns, we are here to help.  Please keep in touch and let us know of any concerns or issues and we will do our utmost to help.

Yours faithfully,


Head Teacher

CLICK HERE to Download letter

Parent letter: Home Learning

Dear Parent / Carer

Firstly can I wish you a Happy New Year! Not how we would have liked to welcome 2021 but we hope it will become better as the year progresses!

As you will be aware online learning starts on Monday 11th of January. We are looking for your support in encouraging your child to engage with the work being posted.

All lessons and associated resources will be posted on teams with a mix of tasks and methods of delivery. If you visit our website there will be advice on how your child can access their glow team although all pupils have been shown in school. There is also an electronic form to complete if your child has forgotten their password. Pupils can access glow from a laptop, ipad, xbox and playstation.

The school website is and the glow help tab can be found on the menu bar as shown below:





If your child is struggling to access their glow account, we are offering a drop in session from 10am until 10.30am in the assembly hall from Monday 11th of January until Friday 15th of January. Pupils should enter the hall via the fire exit.

It is vitally important your child engages with all the work posted.  If they are having difficulties with a piece of work or a task please ask them to contact the teacher directly via teams. Although we cannot guarantee an immediate response we will endeavour to get back to them within 24 hours. For pupils in the senior phase the SQA will require evidence that your child is working at the level currently reported on. If they fail to engage with the work this will directly impact on their ability to attain qualifications.

We advise pupils devise their own timetable taking account of their own circumstances to ensure they cover all their curricular areas. This does not need to follow the times on their previous timetable as we are aware that ICT may have to be shared within a household with some parents / carers having to work from home or siblings requiring access to devices. If this is posing a problem for you please contact us to discuss.

We appreciate these are difficult times for everyone and we are all facing different issues but we are all here to help and support in whatever way we can. If there is anything we can help with please do not hesitate to get in touch with your child’s pupil support teacher by phone or email. If you feel that you need to come to the school for any reason please phone ahead as we are operating a vastly reduced appointment system in line with the current restrictions and may not be able to accommodate a meeting at this time.

Thank you for all your continued support at this difficult time.

Take care and look after yourselves.

Mrs Rooney

Head Teacher

PDF version: Click here