Dear Parent/Carer
I am writing to update you on the Scottish Government’s recent announcement regarding the phased return of pupils.
The Scottish Government has announced that the next phase of reopening education will take place on Monday 15th March, unless new evidence or new circumstances come to light.
Primary (Including ASN Schools and Units)
Pupils in P4-7 will return to school on Monday 15th March, joining P1-3 pupils who are already back at school. Arrangements for vulnerable children and the children of keyworkers will end, and these children will re-join their normal classes. Breakfast clubs will also restart on Monday 15th March for all pupils.
Schools will contact parents/carers by Friday 12th March with final arrangements of the return.
Secondary (Including ASN Schools and Units)
From 15th of March, all secondary pupils will receive a mixture of remote and in-school learning. Each school will decide how to safely balance remote and in-school learning based on local circumstances and needs. Senior phase students (S4-S6) who are taking national qualifications will have priority for face-to-face lessons in school.
Arrangements for remote learning for pupils who are currently not in school will be affected by these new plans, and schools will contact parents/carers to inform them of the changes which are necessary.
Schools will contact parents/carers by Friday 12th March with further details of when individual pupils should attend school.
Further mitigating factors for secondary aged pupils are detailed below:
- 2 metre physical distancing should be applied in school buildings, between secondary aged pupils and between pupils and staff
- Face coverings should be worn by all secondary aged pupils both in class and when moving around school buildings
Further communication will be issued prior to the start of the Spring Break with updated guidance for term 4.
Pupils who travel by school transport will continue to be able to do so. If it is necessary to alter arrangements for any pupils, parents/carers will be informed by Friday 12th March.
For secondary aged pupils, face coverings should be worn on school transport (as on public transport) and an approach taken whereby pupils sit on staggered seating (i.e. not next to each other, but alternating window-aisle-window etc. row by row) Car sharing should continue to be discouraged.
School Meals
School meals will be available for primary pupils, and secondary pupils when they are in school at lunchtime, and those eligible will receive free school meals.
Direct payments to parents/carers of secondary pupils entitled to free school meals will continue on the days pupils are engaged in remote learning at home, until a full time return to school is achieved.
Pupils who are self-isolating and receive a free school meal will continue to receive direct payment until they return to school.
Secondary Schools – Children of Keyworkers, and Vulnerable Children
Eligible children of key workers and vulnerable children will continue with existing arrangements.
Extremely Clinically Vulnerable Children and Young People
Extremely clinically vulnerable children and young people should continue to shield unless otherwise advised by a clinician.
Once again, I would like to thank you for all you have done, and continue to do, to support your child’s learning through this challenging time. Our schools and centres are grateful for all the support you have given during the period of remote learning.
Yours sincerely
Derek Brown
Executive Director, Education and Families
Click to download original: Parent-Carer Letter DB – March 21
Additional Info: Framework for Decision Making
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