All posts by Mr Hamilton


To celebrate World Book Day 2020 on Thursday 5th March the school library hosted a lunch for a select group of readers from S1-S4. Each invited pupil has displayed a real commitment to their personal reading and to supporting their school library. Whilst enjoying chocolate cake and other sweet and savoury treats each of the pupils completed a book review of their favourite title that they have borrowed from the school library and were gifted their free book token. Mrs Scott, the school librarian, also arranged for a couple of pupil-staff interviews – with Emy Brandt from S1 interviewing Miss Galloway, teacher of Art, and Max Watson from S2 speaking with Mr Reynolds, teacher of History – to discover the individual reading journey of each of the staff members.

Coronavirus info & advice

North Lanarkshire Council is working very closely with NHS Lanarkshire and any updates required on the virus will be shared with our staff and residents.

Health Protection Scotland has issued detailed guidance to head teachers and heads of establishment and this will used to make sure we take any action necessary to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

For the latest information and advice please go to:

You can also follow @NHS24 on Twitter and Facebook.

Summary of Advice

  • Always carry tissues with you and use them to catch your cough or sneeze.
  • Bin the tissue.
  • To kill germs, wash your hands with soap and water, or use a sanitiser gel.


click to download poster


A group of S4 pupils recently visited an exhibition on work produced at the Creative Residency in Kilbowie Residential Centre. There was a wide range of work from students including artwork from the fine art painters and screen-printers. All pupils really loved the large scale photography work that was o show as well as the 3D props and costumes.


The school’s S1 basketball team recently participated in the final of North Lanarkshire’s Secondary Schools Basketball league which was held on Wednesday 26 February at Cumbernauld Academy.   The boys gave a great effort and came in third place after one victory and two narrow defeats.   Nathan Lawson was named most valuable player of the final.


Twelve of our S3 pupils recently took part in the ‘Brilliant Club’ scholars programme which exists to increase the number of pupils progressing to highly-selective universities. The scholars programme provided the pupils with the opportunity to experience university style learning as they worked in small groups and were supported by a PhD level tutor over the course of the term in order to complete a  module culminating in a final assignment. The in-school tutorials were also complemented by a trip to Strathclyde University for the launch trip.

For a number of weeks our pupils worked along-side their PhD tutor, Clara Vergez. Pupils worked through a module titled ‘Visions of Vessels: How do doctors see disease inside the body?’ We are delighted to announce that all 12 pupils passed the programme, with a number of them achieving a first class pass. Their hard work and effort was rewarded with an invitation for them and their parents/carers to a fantastic graduation ceremony. The ceremony took place at the University of Edinburgh on Thursday 6th of February. Congratulations to all the pupils and thanks to Dr Gardner for supporting the pupils throughout the programme.


A group of S3 pupils recently completed the Fire Reach programme which offers young people training and development opportunities through taking part in fire service related activities. The all female group spent a week participating in a wide ranging programme of community safety initiatives including: team-working and team-leading, citizenship, and basic first aid, all of which gave them an insight into what it means to be a firefighter. A huge well done to each of the girls who displayed a high level of confidence and team-work over the five day programme. The girls were presented with a Fire Reach certificate at their graduation on the final day.


The school hosted another very successful careers events on Monday 17th February which was well-attended by S3-6 pupils and their families. Over fifty stall-holders from colleges, universities and employers were represented including JP Morgan, Police Scotland, MIYO Brand, and Strathclyde University alongside a selection of Braidhurst teaching staff. This was a fantastic opportunity for our pupils to approach stall-holders and hold positive discussions regarding their plans and aspirations after school. The invaluable advice that each pupil received will aid them to find the right post-school destination.