Update from Mrs Rooney

Hope you and your families are all well and managing to cope with these trying times. It is extremely strange to contact you about an end of term when we have not been in school for the last two weeks nor likely to be back after Easter. However, on the bright side the hub is now up and running to support families of our front line workers and is now based at Cathedral Primary school. Our staff, as you know they would, continue to volunteer to help. We are delighted at how many of our pupils are accessing the online materials staff are regularly posting.

We are, conscious it has been a long , hard and unsettling term for all of us. What we are proposing is that we all draw breath over the next two weeks. Staff will take a break from posting resources online. We will however,  post some websites we would recommend you can access if you wish to keep a routine or need something to stretch your mind. We strongly recommend that you continue with some form of daily exercise, preferably a walk in the fresh air! After the break it will be back to business! Please note the HUB is open over the two week period and those staff helping, and cover the whole week, will take their week after the break. It is important you remind your child they cannot meet up with their friends during this time and should maintain a distance of 2m.

We will still be checking our emails so please do not hesitate to get in touch if you need our support in anyway. You will find the email addresses of pupil support staff on our website.

Please take care over the next two weeks.

Mrs Rooney