Monthly Archives: January 2021

Week Beginning 1st February 2021

 ‘The Ultimate DrEAM Step Challenge’

Today is the start of ‘The Ultimate DrEAM Step Challenge’ , an inter school competition which is being run by Active Schools and KA Leisure.
Follow this link children to find out more about the competition and how to sign up. It would be great if we could all get involved in the challenge, share photographs throughout the week of you exercising. The competition is also open to all staff members so Mrs Manning will be getting signed up too and sending her steps in each day. Remember to send in some photographs of yourself taking part!

The focus in Week 3 is on developing our numeracy skills. I have scheduled live sessions for all of the maths groups (see the timetable below for your maths group). Mrs Manning will send you a Teams link to your email to join the meeting. It is very important that you try to attend the live numeracy session.

We will be working on some number talks chilli challenge problems and then I will be teaching the new Maths work for the groups. (Circles: square and triangular numbers/Decimals) (Squares and Triangles: revise multiplying 2 digits by 2,3,4,5,10 and multiplying 3 digits by 2,3,4,5,10)

Please have a paper and pencil handy. 




Click on the link below to download a copy of the weekly timetable above. This timetable will give you an overview of the home school week, including times when I would like the children to meet with me for ***LIVE SESSIONS***  on Teams. Further information and resources to support your home learning each day is detailed below

Primary 5 home learning weekly timetable week 3

Support Group click on the link below to view Mrs Rowan and Miss Kelso’s timetable for this week.

Monday 25th January 2021

***LIVE SESSIONS***  on Teams at 10am whole class to go over weekly timetable.

***LIVE SESSIONS***  on Teams at 11.15 am Circles Group.

***LIVE SESSIONS***  on Teams at 12.15 am Squares Group.


Spelling 1




Primary 5 Topaz Group level 5

  • Click on the link above  to get your new spelling words for the week.  Write/type your words out twice in your lined jotter and write sentences for 10 of your new words.


  • Complete one of the spelling challenge activity cards which can be downloaded on  link below.

Spelling Challenge Activity Cards

Spelling 2

Spelling booklet

Double letters before other endings – page 6 complete in booklet


1. Times Tables Daily Practice Booklet-complete a challenge each day. All groups 

**Please complete all TJ work in squared jotter provided. Remember to date and title your work. We will assess work at live session on Friday.**

***Please note I have allowed 2 days Monday and Tuesday to complete the work below.***


Learning Intention:

I can understand what square numbers and triangular numbers are.

TJ2a page 158 questions 1 -5 (numeracy workbook)

Numeracy Booklet Extra Practice Section:

  • Squire Square w/s
  • Investigation Square Numbers (4 w/s squared paper to draw square numbers)

Squares and Triangles

Learning Intention:
to multiply 2 digit numbers by 4 and 5 formal methods (Revision)

Copy the sums into your square jotter and complete the calculation.

TJ 1b page 22 questions 3a to f

TJ 1b page 24 questions 3a to f


Learning Intention:
to multiply 2 digit numbers by 4 and 5 formal methods (Revision)

Copy the sums into your square jotter and complete the calculation.

I.D.L Scotland Planner

See separate menu. Download planner and choose an activity

Health and Well Being – PE

‘The Ultimate DrEAM Step Challenge’

Tuesday 19th  January 2021



1. Times Tables Daily Practice booklet- complete a challenge each day. All groups

**Please complete all TJ work in squared jotter provided. Remember to date and title your work. We will assess work at live session on Friday.**


Learning Intention:

I can understand what square numbers and triangular numbers are.

TJ2a page 158 questions 1 -5 (numeracy workbook)

Numeracy Booklet Extra Practice Section:

  • Squire Square w/s
  • Investigation Square Numbers (4 w/s squared paper to draw square numbers)


Learning Intention:
to multiply 3 digit numbers by 2 to 5 formal methods (Extension to previous learning)

Copy the sums into your square jotter and complete the calculation.


TJ 1b page 24 questions 4 and 5 below. Write out the sums below ans solve the calculation. Remember 1 box for each digit when laying out your work.




I am setting each group a book to read for the week. You do not have to read the whole book today however please have it completed and answer the Bug Club questions by Friday. Next week Mrs Manning will be setting you comprehension questions on the book you have read this week.

Dahl 1 Group (Grey B)

Charlie and Alice: A Friend in Need. Read the book click on the Bugs to answer the Bug Club questions.

Dahl Group (Grey A)

Charlie and Alice: Finding a Friend. Read the book click on the Bugs to answer the Bug Club questions.

Morpurgo Group (Brown B)

Damian Drooth Ace Detective: Read the book click on the Bugs to answer the Bug Club questions.

Walliams Group (Brown  A)

Mountain Tales of Norway : Read the book click on the Bugs to answer the Bug Club questions.

Horowitz Group (Lime)

Dreamworks Dragons:When Lightning Strikes:  Read the book click on the Bugs to answer the Bug Club questions.

I.D.L Scotland Planner

See separate menu. Download planner and choose an activity


Go on to Mrs McDougall’s blog page and click on the Primary 5 tab!

 Wednesday 20th January 2021

***LIVE SESSIONS***  on Teams at 10 am Triangles Maths Group.

***LIVE SESSIONS***  on Teams at 11 am Circles Maths Group.


Comprehension Booklet

In your home learning pack you have a booklet with key Comprehensions at the level you are working at. Please complete the first Key Comp in the booklet

  • Unit 16 Black Beauty
  • Unit 4 The Air Raid
  • Unit 11 Mrs Goat and her seven little kids
  • Unit 20 Life’s not been the same in my family.

Remember to read the passage carefully and answer the questions in sentences in your jotter. Or type out your answers if you prefer. 

Health and Well Being – PE

‘The Ultimate DrEAM Step Challenge’


1. Times Tables Daily Practice booklet -complete a challenge each day. All groups

**Please complete all TJ work in squared jotter provided. Remember to date and title your work. We will assess work at live session on Friday.**

Circles- Introducing Decimals

The Live session on Wednesday for the Circles will be introducing Decimals. After the introduction please complete Exercise 1 questions 1 to 4 below. For extra practice click on the link below ‘Tenths Worksheet Extra Practice’

Learning Intention:

I can read, interpret and write a tenths decimal number.

Tenths Worksheet extra practice

Squares and Triangles 

Learning Intention: I can solve number problems using formal multiplication methods.

Complete page 28 questions 3 to 9. Show your workings please.

Chilli Challenge Problems

Click on the link below to try the chilli challenge problem of the day

Problems of the day (1)

Mild to Extra Hot Challenges -record your answers in your jotter and see how you get on. We will discuss some of your strategies on Friday. Click on the link to download and try the challenges.

I.D.L Scotland Planner

See separate menu. Download planner and choose an activity


Little Art School You Tube Video- Click on the link below to learn how to draw a robin.

Thursday 28th January 2021

***LIVE SESSIONS***  on Teams  at 10 am  Whole class Resilience Alphabet

***LIVE SESSIONS***  on Teams  at 11 am  Squares Maths Group.

***LIVE SESSIONS***  on Teams  at 1pm  Triangles Maths Group.


1. Times Tables Daily Practice booklet all groups

**Please complete all TJ work in squared jotter provided. Remember to date and title your work. We will assess work at live session on Friday.**


Learning Intention: the second decimal place

TJ 2a page 38/39 questions  5 to 12(see page 38 above)


Squares and Triangles

Learning Intention:

To be able to multiply up to 3 digits by 2,3,4,5,10

TJ page 29 please show workings and usual formal method of calculation that we have been working on.

Health and Well Being


What is resilience? It is the ability to keep going when things don’t go as we expect, and to have a good way of talking about and thinking about our feelings.

Having resilience means we can look after ourselves and prepare ourselves for whatever might happen.

Failing helps us to learn what doesn’t work

Try ..Fail.. Try Again.. Success

In our live session today we are going to look at the resilience alphabet and choose one of the protective factors this week to work on!



Continuing on from last week we are going to use the same slow writing criteria to write a quality paragraph describing the setting outside the window in your house or in your local area.  You must follow the slow writing success criteria in slide 3 of the power-point to write your descriptive paragraph. Click on the link below to remind yourself of the criteria on slide 3 of the powerpoint!


Describing a setting – Slow writing     

Happy Writing!!!!

Remember to write in sentences using capital letters and full stops.


Click on the link below to learn about the french names for subjects you learn in school.Complete the tutorial and then play the games to test your knowledge.

Sumdog/Education City

Mrs Manning has set work on Sumdog and Education City. Log on to complete the task by

Friday 29th January 2021

***LIVE SESSIONS***  on Teams at 10 am whole class Resilience Alphabet

***LIVE SESSIONS***  on Teams  at 11 am Triangles Maths Group.


***Finish off any tasks not yet completed***

Health and Well Being

Resilience Alphabet- whole class Teams at 10am


Phonics Spelling and Vocabulary Booklet

Please complete the next 2 pages of your booklet

  • Shhhh…  Finish the words with silent letters 

  • Speed Trap Speed Trap

Outdoor Learning

10 Ways to Measure a Tree

Click on the link below and have a bit of fun trying to measure a tree. 

***Remember to keep safe and don’t go climbing up big high trees***

Mrs Manning is going to try the look through your legs way to see if it works!!!!

Health and Well Being

      ‘The Ultimate DrEAM Step Challenge’