Weekly Review 18/9/20

This week we have been learning about:

Ancient Egypt

We learned about some of the different pyramids. Did you know that there are over 100 pyramids in Egypt. The most famous ones are found in Giza, just south of Cairo.

They are usually made of limestone. Inside there are usually traps to stop grave robbers from stealing the King’s treasure. They were built as tombs for the dead Pharaohs. The Pharaohs liked to take things with them to the afterlife like: their families, treasure, gold, boats, beer and other things to use in the afterlife. Inside the pyramids there were hieroglyphics with stories of the Pharaohs, warnings to grave robbers and requests for the Gods for moving into the afterlife.
The tallest pyramid is the pyramid of Khufu and is 230m each side and 146m tall. This can be found in Giza. The Sphinx in Giza was built by Khufu’s son Khafre. It is the biggest stone statue in the world. The Sphinx has the face of Khafre.  It is also known as the ‘Father of Dread’ or the ‘Terrifying One’. 

We also read the story of Osiris. He was killed by his brother Seth and then became the first ever mummy when he was mummified and embalmed by Anubis. Isis was his wife and she walked the length of the Nile to find his coffin, then she had to walk to 14 different edges of Egypt to retrieve the pieces of his body that Seth had scattered over the land. She was a very dedicated wife.

We also did a reading comprehension all about the Ancient Egyptian Gods. Here is what we learned. 

Ryan brought in a fact book about Ancient Egypt and read us some facts. 


For handwriting we were writing the months of the year and we focussed on top joins and up and over letters. We made sure our letter formation was correct. 

The Witches

We read the chapter Summer Holidays with Mrs Seaman and answered some comprehension questions.
We also learned about acronyms and after looking at the R.S.P.C.C. in the book we tried to make up some of our own.
We made our own acronyms for K.N.E.E., C.E.I.L.I.N.G., F.R.I.E.N.D., D.I.A.R.Y. and B.E.A.U.T.I.F..U.L.

On Wednesday we learned how to make toast and we wrote some instructions to make toast. Don’t forget your BOSSY Verbs!


Pi – Multiplying and dividing by 100 and 1000.
Percentage and Sq Root – Addition and subtraction facts
Infinity and perpendicular – 4 digit numbers and comparing 3 digit numbers.
On Wednesday we learned more about time with Mrs Dickens. We made clocks with moving hands and split pins.


We have been watching lots of Newsround and practicing taking notes on our whiteboards. We then share our notes with the rest of the class.
We have played some times tables games.
We finally agreed on our group names for our tables and this let Mrs Munro start counting group points. This weeks winners were: Osiris with 22 points.

On a Friday Mrs Munro gives out some positive praise cards. These are left on our desks at lunch and we can choose whether to share them with our friends or keep them to ourselves. I wonder who will get one this week?

Today was Olivia’s last day in our class and we are going to miss her a lot! So we decided to make her our extra special PAThS Kid!

This week we were also so well behaved in the dinner hall that we won an extra 15 minutes in the playground next week. We are so excited!!

Our positive thoughts for this week: