Homework Week Beginning 14/9/20

Hi P4/5,

We have gone over it again in class but here is your homework for this week including the links to websites incase you’re not sure how to access them. I will also add my email address incase you are having any issues you can send me a message.



Log on and complete at least 1 book. Remember to complete all the bugs and make sure they are sleeping or it won’t be finished.


Make sure you have completed the diagnostic assessment. If you have I will set a challenge.

Education City

I have set you 2 games this week, 1 literacy and 1 numeracy. You can complete them as many times as you like, to get a better score.


Here are this week’s spelling words. You can complete any activities that will help you to remember your spellings. You can do active jobs in your homework jotter (remember this does not need to come back into school). You could also play spelling games, e.g. tennis, make your words in sand, play hangman etc.